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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. I don't think their value is of interest to most of us. However, as historic military vehicles, originality is important. We all have different thoughts on this I'm sure depending on what we want to do with our vehicles. I have no problem whatsoever with what anybody does with their vehicle, similarly I don't expect to be labelled as an obsessive purist if I choose to keep mine as built.
  2. Welcome glcaines! I'm sure you'll fit in fine here, we're all a little mad but don't let that put you off! My step-father is from Albany GA, though currently living in Jackson MS. I've a lot of fond memories of the C152, did most of my ppl training in them. Currently flying a Vans RV9.
  3. I've never paid more than £30 for one.....
  4. Well you cannot argue with the facts! Fitting a modern diesel does 'ruin' the originality as the engine is such a large part of the vehicles character (for good or bad!) I'm sure in the long term it also affects it's value compared to other, non modified examples. However, whether this is a bad thing is entirely down to personal opinion. Nothing in Marks Ward would prevent it being converted back if some future owner desired it and from an operational point of view, it will be a far better vehicle now. His truck, his choice!
  5. Oh yeah, I've been there! I still get looks, though that maybe nothing to do with the tank.....
  6. Hi Tony and welcome! Why the M4A4 in particular?
  7. Fugly, I've got some proper military 12mm now, how much do you need?
  8. That 105mm turret is definately not sitting on a hull so is unlikely to be an original defensive position.
  9. Mark, sorry mate, looks like it was me that was misreading! To be honest, I'm not sure what the objection is. One certainly has a large party with family etc so it will be a reasonable sum but still worth it I would have thought. They are both generous good guys so it's not the money, I guess they just don't agree in principal. Anyway, we'll be there, so I look forward to having a beer with you. :thumbsup:
  10. Mark, you seem to be under the impression I have a problem with the £15, I don't. Re-read my post and you'll see I have been trying to explain to my friends that I feel their objection is unfounded. I am quite happy to pay for proper showers and toilets.
  11. Ken is familiar with my Sherman, we worked on a tv show together a few years ago. A great man, very unassuming. His books are well worth reading and really put you in the turret. I look forward to seeing him again.
  12. You shouldn't tow Shermans far without disconnecting the propshaft, It would be better to transport if more than a half mile or so. Regarding a commercial recovery outfit, it would be better to have someone conversant with tank recovery to a degree or at least an open mind!
  13. A couple of friends with tanks have objected to me about the £15 on principle, it's not the money. They see it as a problem because they are spending a lot of money to attend and are fairly self contained or indeed have a large party so it would be a reasonably large sum. I have tried to point out that the camping area is purely for our benefit and there will be no public admission let alone income from the public but they are unmoved. The breakfast will be seen by some as something they do not want as self catering is very well organised by many! I don't like the idea of a hand stamp but I'm not sure how best to do this. I'm happy to pay but also happy to do my own thing, I have a shower but good loos are worth their weight!
  14. I would go back with a copy of this:- http://www.dft.gov.uk/dvla/~/media/pdf/leaflets/INF46.ashx and advise them they were acting illegally, in the nicest possible way of course! It clearly states that a Q plate can be replaced with an age related if you can prove the date of manufacture.
  15. We need designated recovery vehicles, I have hollebones and adaptors for all likely participants, a low loader available and agreed procedures for recovery at the various points on and off road. Most importantly, we need the people prepared to do it and all to be aware of the score! Apart from that, no further questions!
  16. I think we've found the rest of our tank crew.....!
  17. Nice video! That must be close target op aka Bombard.
  18. Welcome Jimk, love that 4360, my step-dad used to crew C-124s 'old shakey'. Does 'dynamic display' mean you're planning to run it?
  19. Not controversial at all Mike, I'm inclined to agree. When I got into the hobby, there was none of that really, it was just about the vehicles. Now, nearly all shows seem to be about living history where vehicles are just another prop. There are exceptions, the Headcorn show last year was very good with a few set piece displays and a good battle for the kids (young and old!) but really just a good old fashioned MV show. I'm not complaining, it's all interesting but not why I got into it. I'll steel myself for some reenactors telling me I'm a luddite..... I'm happy to wear appropriate attire for a parade but that's about as far as it goes for me. Another thing that possibly puts new people off is the cost of things. Not only purchase but running.
  20. That's not a Chorehorse, there was a thread running on them recently. They are easy enough to find but usually the post-war 30 volt types. The wartime models are 12 (15) volt and not so common but do turn up. http://www.stationary-engine.co.uk/Portland08/Portland08468.htm
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