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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. Johann, yes, that's the one. They were supplied as a matched pair though I do not think it is a big problem if you fit another one from a different gearbox. It is just that a NOS gearbox does not come with a pinion (the small gear).
  2. Which in this case stands for Becketts Sore Arse........
  3. Not bad actually, especially for a brickie..... Joking apart, you've made a fantastic job there Mark, you're a true craftsman.
  4. I would think :pfrt: a more appropriate response......
  5. The pinion is matched to the crown wheel and they are (were) supplied as a pair. NOS gearboxes do not have a pinion with them so keep it safe!
  6. Hope you get better soon Joris, I've been there. In fact mine was a burst appendix resulting in peritonitis, despite me telling the local doctors I was ill, never normally going to the doctors unless my leg falls off, they were adamant it was indigestion...... Fortunately, the doctor on call, ironically a Dutchman, knew his stuff and sent me up the hospital pronto to be operated on that night. Surgeon said I was two days from death...... Hope that makes you feel better!:nut:
  7. Notice the M3 and M5 halftrack in, presumably, the same US unit.
  8. Glad to hear your domestic skills are improving Jack, you've progressed to toast! BTW, when you run out of plates etc, it's time to wash up.....
  9. Steve, 12x4 was the chassis model number it was built on, according to Crismon.
  10. Hi Lars, good to see you here at last! I'm sure you'll be able to answer many questions posted here from time to time if you know what I mean! Unless you're Lenny Henry, in which case ''Katanga, my friend, Katanga''.......
  11. Hi RT, it's a Scout Car T7, later M1 which was an Indiana 12x4 from 1934. It looks like an official US Army photo, all of which are in the public domain. Nobody has copyright on these despite claims to the contrary!
  12. If you fire them often enough they are!
  13. Yeah, if that's your tea, I'll bring my own......
  14. I thought perhaps I should chip in at this point with reference to the engines. The pack in question is the one that I supplied with the M10. I had bought it as a take out from a well known dealer, unseen and in fact before I had the M10. It was a Stoneleigh militaria show where I found out the M10s rough location having known of its existence for some time. Not half an hour later, I was being offered the engine! I took this to be a good omen and so agreed to have it. The M10 itself took a little longer to track down as explained earlier. If it had still been mine at this point, I would be a tad annoyed to put it mildly but such are the risks when buying takeouts! You can see why the engines were so free to turn....
  15. There are (currently) no controls on deactivated weapons. If they are legal i.e. deactivated to proof house spec and have a certificate to prove it, you can display them on your Jeep. A certificate is not a legal requirement but it does prove your guns are or were correctly done. However, to keep rule change at bay, it would be best not to flaunt them and only display them where appropriate. From the Police viewpoint, it's a fine line between deact, realistic imitation and real.
  16. So is your spelling.... Welcome David, I trust you are the real David Herbert and not your imposter, I look forward to some good in depth discussions on here!
  17. You're more than welcome to sleep under my Sherman, it's never been known to sink overnight. I would suggest the front, unless you like oil drips on your sleeping bag....... I'll be in my tent, it's the green one.
  18. Steve is dead right, we all have to learn stuff at some point. Eddy, the angled tubes are the spring cases but the front and rear ones also have a parallel shock absorber so you were right in a way! But don't worry about thinking that Christie suspension is torsion bar, many have made the same mistake, including some who should know better.
  19. It is almost certainly a Covenanter as there are/were several on Pirbrite but I didn't see a Crusader. Covenanter and Crusader do not have torsion bars. They have Christie suspension which uses spring cases compressed by axle arms.
  20. M24 Chaffee. Engines actually as it would have had two Cadillac V8s originally.
  21. All self explanatory, sorry about the quality, I didn't want to damage the spine!
  22. I have in my manual, I'll scan and post shortly!
  23. Are you sure you won't just be asked to ''go and get a big mac''?
  24. Different beastie Jack, that's the 105mm M3, that 1 makes all the difference!
  25. In short, no! However, the US TM system normally had an overall manual such as TM9-786, M5 High Speed Tractor which was then supported by more detailed sub manuals such as TM9-1786A and TM9-1786B etc. From this, I would have assumed that TM9-1325 is a more detailed manual but only covering certain elements of either the piece or the mount. However, in this case it seems to just be an earlier edition so a degree of renumbering presumably went on.
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