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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. I have some Steve, a couple of different sizes. I think they are Danish but are all hessian tape style.
  2. I have a take-off panel, NOS oil and temp, will have to check the speedo and fuel, switches etc.
  3. It is just a large single shot rifle in effect, definitely Sect. 1. You should have no problem adding it to your FAC via a variation, subject to your local Police being happy.
  4. Welcome Michael, your English is fine, better than some on here and considerably better than my Russian! Adrian
  5. Sounds remarkably like the Battlesbury Bowl finds but I think they were scrapped after parts removal.
  6. It was in 1987 and I sold the GMC as I bought it, unregistered and straight off a film set. It was one of a pair and I only wanted one, I am quite able to fit plug leads in the correct order.......
  7. V1 used a pulse jet, nothing like a ram jet.
  8. The other side to that coin is if you can't be bothered to ring and ask, you're not likely to be a serious buyer. I would prefer to see a price however!
  9. Welcome Peyton, nice choice of vehicles! Don't worry, finding those parts is not exactly easy this side of the pond either! Any pics of the Firefly?
  10. The 75mm howitzer armed turret from the M8 HMC.
  11. You're very welcome! As a fellow rivet counter, I too like to find the correct bits.
  12. They are specified by the strap width. I think from your PM that you need buckles for 1" wide straps. You can buy modern ones on ebay, look for ROKO buckles. They are not as robust as the originals and usually very bright zinc plated rather than cadmium. A quick flash over with a fine blast media if you have access makes them look a little better.
  13. What size do you need? I have 1 1/4". (32mm)
  14. Clocks ticking mate! When it's done, I feel another visit to the Tank Factory might be on.....
  15. They do and to allow the changeover, International incorporated an extra part to the combustion chamber which contained the spark plug. When you pull the lever to switch to diesel, a valve shuts off that extra part increasing the compression ratio. It also turns on the diesel and switches off the magneto. Quite ingenious!
  16. You say nobody wanted them, did anybody know about them? It's the first I have heard.
  17. T16 was used in WW2, there are many photos showing it. http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1357
  18. If you can't find any studding or bolts Alastair, I can soon run some up in a diebox for you.
  19. I was thinking along the lines of mine protection....
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