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Everything posted by andym

  1. Is it just me, or are the photos not working? Andy
  2. It's a source of some amusement to the other services why the Army insist on turning up to office meetings in full DPM. It doesn't work very well as camouflage at Abbey Wood or Main Building! :-) Andy
  3. Is that actually an issue? I don't know about the Army, but the RN have had crew and V neck wooly pullies - I've got both types. Andy
  4. That's very interesting, I'd always assumed that the Abbot ordnance was of similar construction to the Light Gun, but obviously not! Andy
  5. Indigestion tablet, perhaps? :-) Andy
  6. Those coloured drawings are wonderful - thank you! Andy
  7. Thanks Richard, I should have known it wouldn't be that simple! Andy
  8. I may be interested in anything beginning with 9ACR or LV6MT4 as they're FV432 or Abbot respectively. K60 engine parts seem to start with LV10. Andy
  9. Noting the assembled watchers, cue the Monty Python "It's a piston engine" sketch ... Andy
  10. None of that new-fangled stuff, they've got a front zip! Andy
  11. I scored a brand new set of AFV overalls, still sealed in their packet, for £12 on eBay last week! Andy
  12. Is the Function switch set to "*" by any chance? The squelch is disabled if so. Andy
  13. Is it just me, or does that explanation seem a little trite? "FNFJW - Final Note [confirming] Found Jerry's Whereabouts"? Andy
  14. I think you're probably right: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8027/7509948442_16c0cc1e7c_o.jpg Andy
  15. Empress of Australia, perhaps? Andy
  16. Glad it wasn't just me who didn't understand the question! :-) Andy
  17. That depends when the next committee meeting is ... :-) Andy
  18. Does this look suspiciously familiar? It's even got fold-out shields! :-) http://www.mod-sales.com/direct/vehicle/,37,/45842/Saxon.htm Andy
  19. Agreed - thanks Rob. All I can say is that they've been very helpful so far. Andy
  20. According to an email received earlier today, that's apparently what HMS Belfast do. They use yacht starting gun cartridges. I've also heard back from Fort Nelson, who load their own and are happy to let me come and have a chat. Andy
  21. Probably from crates dug up in Birmingham, Neasden or Burma ... :-) Andy
  22. Perhaps it might help if I explain my thought process? Having cleared the first hurdle of the FAC itself and leaving aside the issue of sourcing the parts to build a live gun, I need to work out the best solution for the charges. The most obvious is the use of pukka L46A1 blanks, but they will undoubtedly be very expensive and probably complete overkill. I don't want to shatter windows or burst eardrums just for effects at a show. The next approach, which is what I suggested as part of the FAC application, is to reload used cases with black powder. Another solution would be to find a suitable electrically triggered pyrotechnic and build it into a modified case. So at the moment I'm investigating to see what other people do in similar circumstances, hence my question here. Other sources of information are Edinburgh Castle (the 1 o'clock gun is a 105mm Light Gun) and re-enactors such as the group who fire the 4 inch guns on HMS Belfast. And of course, closest to me are the group who fire artillery at Fort Nelson. Does that make sense? Andy
  23. With most email programs, if you hover the mouse over the link before clicking it, you will see what that link is. If it isn't what you're expecting and/or not the same as what the email suggests, don't click it! Andy
  24. I hadn't seen that BR before - wonderful! I actually fired a 4.5" Mk.6 back in the late 1970's at HMS Cambridge. Andy
  25. HMS Belfast's 6 inch breech: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2b/Loading_6_inch_gun_HMS_Belfast_Geograph_1695654_587c3213.jpg Andy
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