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Everything posted by andym

  1. Thanks Clive, I eventually worked out that the piece at the right-hand side looked like an electrode. Mind you, just goes to show how the brain works when you're asleep - note the time of my post! (And the plug is arcing over for some reason - crud on the insulator?) Andy
  2. Is it a spark plug of some sort? Andy
  3. So what did the rest of us miss? :cry: Andy
  4. I think the VC10 tankers are around until the new Airbus fleet is delivered. I flew "Crab Air" on a passenger one to the US on a couple of occasions. Andy
  5. Forgive me if I'm being rude and teaching people to suck eggs, but you aren't blipping the throttle before you switch off, are you? Andy
  6. The VC-10 is another aircraft with a venerable history and, I think, only just about to go out of service. Andy
  7. So are you saying you're not sure which museum it was? Andy
  8. Were the AVREs actually in service after 1991? Andy
  9. That's nearly as bad as the codge-up that is the Abbot's hydraulic fan drive system - one of about every bizarre fitting you could think of! Andy
  10. Is that not "one of only two in private hands"? I thought Nick Mead had one as well? Andy
  11. The 7.62mm NATO round is a hot contender, methinks. Andy
  12. It's a boat, although I suspect its owner may think it's a yacht .... :-) Andy
  13. I think there was supposed to be a birthday party at Plain Invasion last year, but I'm not sure that it ever happened. The oldest remaining is probably Preston's one at Cobbaton. Andy
  14. I don't think that all branches of Pirtek will have the odd MOD fittings. The Portsmouth branch does because they do work for MOD - they've successfully managed to replicate all but two of my Abbot hydraulic hoses. The remaining two they had to cut out and reuse the old fittings. Andy
  15. I thought we'd decided the anniversary was last year? Production started in 1962. Andy
  16. Ah - now I understand! I hadn't appreciated which end of the garage was the working space. It's coming along very nicely. Andy
  17. You couldn't have done that with the Abbot! Mind you, if you'd dropped the engine in first it could have done it by itself ... :-) Andy
  18. I see your point, Clive. Is there always an "L" on the end and what does that mean, I wonder? Andy
  19. Would "Workshop" followed by a two letter code to identify the particular workshop make sense? Andy
  20. If ypou want to chat about Abbots while you're over just drop me a PM. Andy
  21. They got it right at the top of the page ... Andy
  22. The FV624 seems to have had a slightly different crane to the FV623 and also some form of stabilisation for lifting but I can't find any definite details. Surely someone must have a Stolly manual to hand? Andy
  23. It would certainly give the bump stops a good testing! Andy
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