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Everything posted by andym

  1. Organic Acid Technology, which is usually (but not always) red in colour. This tends to eat seals and yellow metal in older engines that aren't designed to use it. Andy
  2. Blue should be OK but note that the colour isn't always an absolute guide as there isn't a standard as such. The important thing is to ensure that it doesn't contain any OATs. Andy
  3. Welcome aboard John, whereabouts are you based? Andy
  4. I can't quite see how it works from the photos, but either stake it or drill and pin? Even a dab of weld if all else fails. Andy
  5. Fingers crossed for you, Neil! Andy
  6. Thanks for all the replies, some very helpful advice there! Andy
  7. What sort of spanners are you using? I don't know about CVRTs but a range of crowsfoot spanners is essential for assorted Abbot oil hoses! Andy
  8. More a safety interlock really. It isn't fitted when the gun is in use. Andy
  9. It either is, or looks very similar to, a "Stop Running Back" for an Abbot. Andy
  10. It's been suggested that fly spray will unseize steel and aluminium that have corroded together. I haven't managed to try it myself yet ... Andy
  11. You really should paint it in high gloss DBG ... :-) Andy
  12. Yes to all the above, the electrical connections are identical but you may have to make some adaptors for the fuel lines as I'm not sure about the union sizes. You can make sure the gearbox output shaft goes round in each gear but that's about it. Remember to disconnect the prop shaft unless you want a mangled oil tank and cables. Andy
  13. Thanks Robin, and yes I've tried WD-40 and friends but was after something less obvious. Andy
  14. I'm sure that recently someone suggested ideas for unseizing aluminium and steel, such as steel studs in an aluminium block. Of course, now I'm looking for the thread I can't find it. The latches on my Abbot's driver's hatches are seized and they're steel plugs in aluminium holes. Any ideas or patent mixes of chemicals welcome! Andy
  15. I wondered why this is a link to a Land Rover forum but read my way through it all and it's a great story. By the way, it may just be the light, but doesn't that brake disc in the first photo look rather thin? Andy
  16. There usually isn't a problem with MOD's packaging (see Paul Donovan's recent Clansman video!) but unfortunately some materials such as rubber fail with age regardless of how well they're packed. Andy
  17. And after all that effort it wasn't even an ANR one! :-) Andy
  18. What's wrong with writing down common sense? It's easy to lampoon councils and yes, they probably do have a number of jobsworths working for them. But in the world where people will sue for a broken fingernail, councils have to abide by the conditions of their insurance policy and I suspect that's what is driving this. Andy
  19. I had lunch recently at the Bailey Bridge pub, on the site of the old MEXE in Christchurch, where it was developed. Andy
  20. It's actually a bit of both - you mutually need to understand the risks involved. What risks does your vehicle present to the event, and what risks does the event present to you and your vehicle? Andy
  21. Does this help? http://www.hse.gov.uk/risk/fivesteps.htm Andy
  22. Watch your idling speed - if it's too low the transfer gears will chatter, which doesn't do them any good. It's interesting that the Mk.1 manual suggests 450 rpm for idling whereas the Mk.2 suggests 800 rpm. Andy
  23. The wound wire filter that sits over the nose of the fuel pump in my Abbot is missing, not surprisingly because they have a reputation for disintegrating. I'm investigating getting a new one made from stainless steel, but before I do does anyone recognise something similar from another vehicle? I've been told that Bedford MJs use the same pump, for example. Andy
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