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Everything posted by andym

  1. Good point, I'd forgotten about the aluminium hull. Also closer to M6? Andy
  2. Depending on age of the vehicle either 1/4" UNF or M6 - I suspect the former for a Scorpion. Andy
  3. andym

    An annoyance

    I suspect it's to keep the mobile 'phone users happy? Andy
  4. A bit difficult to judge without more information but it looks as though the Council made suggestions about improvements that the TV company chose not to implement. Andy
  5. Yes indeed, in the first file. 01FD00 is apparently "Tank Combat 120mm Gun Chieftain Mk 10". All my vehicles are there on inspection. Andy
  6. Thanks to some excellent hand-holding from Joris I've now managed to upload the working set of files. You'll find them in the Downloads section of the site, the direct link should be: http://hmvf.co.uk/files/category/2-merlin-archive/ There's a big green button saying "Download this file" but it actually lets you download all seven Excel files. Andy
  7. I've now obtained seven Excel files from the MOD FoI team, which all work correctly and I have permission to repost on here. I'm just liaising with Joris on the best place to put them. Andy
  8. It's still there but you need to use the full editor, methinks. Andy
  9. What would you like for it? A fiver perhaps? Andy
  10. The track pin is FV430. Do you just have the one or more? Andy
  11. If children are involved you might like to think about things like CRB checks too? Andy
  12. Just watched it, not brilliant but as has been said, could have been a lot worse. Andy
  13. Odyssey batteries are made by Enersys, the same people who make the Hawker UK6TNMF, so I think we can safely say they know what they are doing. One word of warning, they are very sensitive to charging voltage, which must not exceed 15V for a single battery or 30V for a pair of batteries in series. If your batteries are dying, check the charging voltage before doing anything else. Andy
  14. A bit late owing to the HMVF refurbishment, but a couple of weeks back there were two Chieftain ARRVs and an MBT on the A31 by the five-legged stag on the Drax estate. They looked a bit weather beaten, but what interested me was that they were on HETs rather than the now usual Metcalfe Farms transport. Andy
  15. At least half of those seven new files seem to be broken too, certainly parts 1 and 3. Excel 2010 makes an attempt to repair them but fails. (Update - I've since emailed the FoI team to ask them to check the files) Andy
  16. Something has truncated the link: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/land_rover_para_recce_erm_list Andy
  17. As the positive post is larger than the negative I was wondering if someone had fitted the wrong clamp on the negative lead at some stage. There are pukka battery post shims available if you haven't already tried them, eBay item 362003348190 is an example. Andy
  18. Just a thought, but do both terminals work loose or just one? Andy
  19. If the clamps fit correctly then putting things in the gap will only make it worse. Are the clamps the correct ones, undistorted and clean, ditto the battery posts? Andy
  20. http://www.greenmachinesurplus.com/cvrw-fox-125-c.asp perhaps? Andy
  21. That explains why the Abbot has vanished from the Heywood M62 roundabout! Andy
  22. A return of the "Location" field would be helpful, too. Andy
  23. What she said! Isn't that white one just a filler/strain relief anyway? A headset only uses six cores. Andy
  24. andym

    Welcome back!

    Thanks Joris - good work! In my experience with these things it's always better to under-promise and over-deliver. If you think it will take three days then say ten, that way either no-one notices it took longer than you thought or you do it in less than ten and they think you're wonderful. Just one suggestion - could we go to https rather than http to protect passwords etc.? Andy
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