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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Been up in the loft today to put some stuff up and had a quich look to see what was lurking around. Found a few things that might be of interest. One tank transporter and a tank. Came as a set but I think there might be a scale discrepancy Also found a couple of old games, you know the ones before computers, when you had board and some bits of card and plastic. TANK BATTLE involves two opposing sides and if I remember correctly you need to get to the opposite side of the board and destroy your enemy on the way. BATTLE OF BRITAIN probably self explanitory you need to shoot down German bombers with your Spitfire. THe bombers leave their airfields in France randomly controlled by spinning a pointer (direction and altitude) when they stop on a target it gets bombed.. The Players Spitfire is parked on an airfield and you need to decide when to take of, intercept and shoot down the bombers. Each turn you choose how you move and or change altitude until you come behind a bomber at the same altitude. Each turn involved turning the fuel wheel and of course you had to get back to an airfield before running out of fuel. As you can guess I played this one more, hence I can remember how it works. Mike
  2. Its called a "Nuisance Gedge" and as such your Local Authority should assist with getting it sorted. This website has some info and links to other places. http://freespace.virgin.net/clare.h/ A Google for Nuisance Hedges will also provide loads of Local Authority links. Mike
  3. Welcome in. Always good to have another fellow Land Rover owner onboard. Will soon have enough to out number those pesky jeeps:) Mike
  4. Yes please I have been looking at various places and it says insure it or SORN it not both. Mike
  5. Now that is a good idea. Can you get to it once it is reassembled? Mike
  6. "From early 2011, if it appears from the database comparison that a vehicle has no insurance or no SORN, a letter will be sent to the registered keeper." Straight from the DirectGov website You have a choice Insure it and tax it and use it or not. SORN it and not use Use it and lose it 3 very simple choices. Mind you if you have a vehicle that is worth anything you would have some form of insurance on it anyeay for fire and theft as a minimum. How you would get insurance on a pile of bits I do not know. It would make the conversation with the broker fun. Has the vehicle been modified? No but it is stacked up in pieces the garden shed. OR Where is the vehicle kept overnight? In the shed, back garden, loft, under the bed and theres a few bits on the kitchen table. Suprised you don't have to declare the vehicle SORN when the MOT runs out aswell. Mike
  7. Welcome in. You can't beat a nice Land Rover. Post some pics and somebody will be able to help. May be mil spec as Farnborough had strong links. Mike
  8. Turns out the other one from North Weald was "Bedsheet Bomber" and was possibly the one in 633 Squadron http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b25registry/b25-4430861.html Lokked pretty sorry at North Weald. Mind you don't look much better now sitting on a portacabin at Booker. http://forums.airshows.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=24292&p=244780 Mike
  9. What it does is causes your vehicle to breakdown. You cannot fix it and therefore you complete the journey on the back of a recovery truck. Hey Presto! You and your vehicle have done more miles and used less fuel. Mike
  10. #151632 - Gorgeous George-Ann - B-25J 44-30925 - N9494Z/G-BWGR now Europe (?) - Laden Maiden http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b25registry/b25-4429121.html This one was at North Weald from 95-98 in the ownership of Aces High. It is now most definitely in Europe undergoiong retoration for display at Brussels Air Museum http://www.bamfbamrs.be/B25/B25-en.htm IIRC they used to be another one their prior to that. http://www.abpic.co.uk/search.php?q=Aces%20High%20Ltd&u=operator Just for interest here is a picture of "Big Bad Bonnie" at Stapleford Aerodrome in 1982. Must have been June as it broke down in France that July that year. Wonder which engine failled. http://www.warbirdregistry.org/b25registry/b25-4430210.html Mike PS: Remember seeing the program on the TV back when video was relatively new
  11. :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked: Are we actually allowed to use the dreaded S word on this forum? Mike
  12. Welcome in. Nothing wrong with a Land Rover. I only have a humble 109 but it suits me fine. Mike
  13. Nice pics thanks. Don't worry about phone quality they are fine. Mike
  14. Temperature differential is the problem. My 109 lives out doors but my car lives in the garage. If their is a temperature differential opening the door can cause damp/moisture to form on the car. Put it away wet and it can still be wet long after it has dried up outside. Mind you it froze in the garage just before Christmas when Chesham made the news at -19.6 I suspect the only real way to protect everything from moisture maybe to put it in a large bag and vacuum seal it. Probably not practical. Mike
  15. The build up of hair in the plug was so bad that extreme cleaning measures were rquired. Mike
  16. Well observed and they do look semetrical and could be related. The piece in question looks the wrong way round to help with recovery and of course the panel would probably be the only thing recovered. It would appear to me to be their as an aid to fixing/locationg something in place. Are there any reccords or details of them been fitted with additionalreadily removable items on the front. Matbe additinal armour, barricade rams or the like. Alternatively a bayonet fixing for when ammo runs out:D Mike
  17. IIRC the Rover V6 originally fitted in the Land Rover (Stage 1) was actually around 90 BHP. The same engine in the car was producing getting on for double that. Rover in their infinite wisdom decided it was easier to detune the engine rather than improve the brakes. The BHP is not the killer it is all that lovely torque the V8 produces. Tje torque from one of them can destroy clutches and gearboxes with ease, especially those not meant for that. Especially used in anger. VW Beetle (Type 1 ) gear boxes and clutches are suppose to take about 140-150 BHP unmolested but a Rover V8 can destroy the clutch in 3 miles and eat gears like they are Smarties. So I can well believe that a Land Rover UJ would not last long when used in anger on a Scammell Mike
  18. Are those the ones who, when they own a vehicle, spend hours cleaning inside the exhaust pipe, polishing tyre tread and trailer it everywhere? Quite a nice looking jeep and a good 'cheap' way of doing it. If it works for you and happy, who cares as long as honesty prevails. Mike
  19. Well that goes to prove my earlier comment that we will not see any for a while wrong. If you look at the 2nd picture you can see a few more behind. Mike
  20. As an ex-beetle owner I do not a few things. The car was origibally a Porsche, but renamed the "Peoples CAr" by Adolf Hitler. After the war the plan was to donate the factory and the car design to the British motor industry and ship it all to thwe UK. No British car company wanted it as they descided "The car dose not meet the requirements and is unattractive in the eyes of the majority and nobody will buy one". They got that wrong,Mind you they would probably made it unreliable and killed it off just as sales were increasing :-D The fCTORY WAS THEN RUN BY a Major Hirst (IIRC) to produce behicles gor the British Army. This probably explains all the vehicles they built from biys. The factory was eventially handed back to civilian running for production of the Type 1. Ferdinand Porsche continued to utilise the Type 1 parts in his cars. Some having the same engines and chassis/floor pan even. Mike
  21. But was it a real barricade ram or a Blue Peter job. It is quite amazing what you can make from cereal packets and toilet role tubes. Mike
  22. You maybe thinking about the one at Brooklands and was a fair few years ago now, mid 80'?, This was fished out of Loch Ness. Rumour has it was rediscovered during a search for the famous monster by some Americans who did not want it. IIRC the conversation was something along the lines of "Wow we have found a Wellington" to which the reply was "Typical you go fishing and all you get is an old boot". Ptobably just an urban myth, but the Loch Ness bit is true. Mike
  23. Welcome. Got any photos? We don't mind if it is not green. Blue, grey, sand, stone, white, pink etc. all work. Mike
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