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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. I went to Heaton Bridge and met a guy who owns an Austin K9 he wants to know what goes in the area by the passenger door. [ATTACH=CONFIG]65575[/ATTACH]
  2. I not particularly keen on this type of headset as I find it to be quite heavy on the head and it doesn't seem to have any strap for holding in onto the wearers head. The only way that you can switch the mike to live all the time is to switch it to live IC on the drivers box (CB2). Otherwise you're stuck pressing the ptt to talk which isn't much use if you're driving the vehicle.
  3. Damn and blast the PC brigade :-D of course I meant British lol!
  4. Didn't even realise that it had gone from Ricks drive look forward to seeing it restored
  5. You mean like this one? [ATTACH=CONFIG]65574[/ATTACH]
  6. Shrek on the move (not my vid) Watch out for the cadet at the end being smoked out :-D Something went wrong...
  7. HMS Warspite should have been saved for the nation but when HMS Vanguard was scrapped I'm presuming that was all that was left to be saved in regards to English Battleships / Battlecruisers. Turkey still had a Moltke class Battlecruiser which survived until 1971 which should also have been saved. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moltke_class_battlecruiser HMS Vengeance should have been saved but the nation wasn't willing to spend any money on a potential museum ship. If it can't make money for a potential owner its not happening. Now if it was a football club it would have been saved because every discerning millionaire wants to throw money into a bottomless pit.
  8. Not a tree hugger I take it Like it a lot proper job!
  9. Which Ark Royal the last one just gone or the previous incarnation which I would class as an Aircraft Carrier with steam catapults, angled flight deck and arrestor gear. I would prefer the 'Through deck cruiser' to survive but I bet it doesn't but I would really like to be proven wrong on that one If it costs the government money and its a possible stick to beat said government with by an opposition party its gone without sentiment.
  10. Have a wander over to the owners club I'm sure that they would be happy to hear off a Champ in Botswana http://austinchamp.com/
  11. They say you can paint it directly over rust but would you really want to? All you're doing is hiding the rust behind a coat of paint not the best way off doing things proper preparation is the key ie have the rust blasted off or use a needle gun. I've used it in my Ferret on top of a primer so its fine in that respect
  12. Any chance that we can have a stolen items section in the Community service area of the site (for sale, ebay, wanted and storage and transportation)? Good chance that this has been talked about before, it may even be on the site somewhere.
  13. Suspect that the drivers of the vehicles would like more time as well, sitting and waiting isn't much fun either.
  14. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said it was 'likely to be one of our own that had helped with its spiriting away.
  15. Excellent work its nice to see these kinds of drawings being posted up and free to use I wish more people would do it.
  16. Total and utter waste of humanity lets hope it comes back in one piece. It seems to have been planned as a low loader was involved speculation I know. Perfect time to take a vehicle when so many low loaders are on site.
  17. Works fine with kerosene and paraffin but I would steer clear of diesel its too smoky and it doesn't seem to burn all diesel correctly as it leaves a black film/carbon beneath any cooking pots. Petrol the No 12 isn't designed to use it but if you search this forum http://www.spiritburner.com/fusion/index.php it might give you some ideas or help in that direction. The jet is the same as the earlier no.2 mk 2 and can be swapped over to the no.12 if need be. If you look halfway down this page you will find some info on the No12 http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/useful_info.htm
  18. Think so but the answer is to get it from the horses mouth so to speak. My RB44 isn't exempt as its only to Euro 3 standard and I think it needs to be Euro 4 http://www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/lez/default.aspx Check you're reg below http://www.tfl.gov.uk/roadusers/lez/17700.aspx#tkt-tab-panel-3
  19. Now I thought you were a 'Yank lover' I'm impressed and as you said its Game On Not anti Yank would prefer the British side to be bigged up by the press and the general public and then the re-enactors here endeth the lesson from the grumpy one
  20. Not a military vehicle but declared to be so and then found out to be a civvy vehicle after an accident said person will be uninsured and could potentially have so much to loose in monetary value, visits from debt collectors, bankruptcy and possibly marriage breakdown so on so forth. I don't think idiots would quite encapsulate how I think off them
  21. Sorry not the best pic I realised that I was taking the pictures into the sun and switched sides I had meant to retake it on the way back down the line.
  22. This should be the last of my pictures and its all Ferret :-D I apolgies beforehand if this isn't you're thing but a 60th Anniversary is a good sign of a great military vehicle. The Austin Champ didn't make it to sixty years in military service but somewhere in this world I suspect that the Ferret has...... somewhere. Rock n roll on the Ferrets [ATTACH=CONFIG]65067[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65068[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65069[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65070[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65071[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65072[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65073[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65074[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65075[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65076[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65077[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65078[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65079[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65080[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]65081[/ATTACH]
  23. I think I managed to take a picture of every Ferret as it stood waiting to go in. I'll post it up on the W&P thread 2012
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