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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Illustrious expected to be saved bet not if any carrier needed to be saved it really needed to be Ark Royal as we are unlikely to see another Royal Navy ship of this name again. If Ark Royal can not be saved what hope for Illustrious?
  2. Good luck can you give us an idea of what you will be doing in regards to the 'new' magazine
  3. Such is life, hey I wasn't having a dig at you my high horse galloped away :-D
  4. This little lot out of one of my Ferrets REME cap badge, spanner, dynamo securing lugs pair off, top off engine id tube and a bulb. Plus plenty of rust and muck [ATTACH=CONFIG]67248[/ATTACH] Field mice filled the engine up with seeds/husks? [ATTACH=CONFIG]67249[/ATTACH]
  5. Radio's you can have the back fitted out with the original bits a pieces but you cannot transmit or listen without the appropriate licence. As for buying spares as has been said a great many parts can be found on ebay and the other companies already mentioned. Front wheel cylinders are Dodge 50 3/4 inch, seals can be bought on ebay from pastparts. Headlights will be Landrover which is a standard part 12 volt for the most part. Yes from standstill the steering is can be heavy It would be a good idea to empty all the fluids and replace with fresh as the vehicle could have been sat somewhere for last couple of years. Also grease up the prop shafts as this seems to be a common problem.
  6. Austin K9 would be my recommendation but its all down to personnel choice http://www.austink9.webs.com/
  7. Could you imagine lads and lasses not modifying there first car with alloy wheels, bucket seats and go faster stripes. I can't
  8. Have a look at the date that the pictures were uploaded (2010) it doesn't tally with when the pictures were taken (2004).
  9. MPG for an RB is approx 20 - 22 Not sure what class 4 MOT means but its a visit to VOSA or a comparable site for its MOT. Also don't forget to exempt it from having to use a Tacho at the time of its MOT.
  10. Easier to to destroy it insitu rather than have the defusers scatter themselves over a wide area if it decided to go pop. Bricks and mortar can be replaced
  11. Germany http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2195144/Horrors-war-relived-550lb-allied-bomb-detonated-fiery-explosion-Munich.html
  12. Digging up a battlefield be it here or abroad and moving human remains about just for profit is a desecration full stop. The excuse that its Eastern Europe doesn't hold water and if you buy from dealers or from a 'collector' you're just encouraging it to carry on.
  13. The Daily Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/9498883/Readied-aimed-fired-to-Helmand-and-back.html BBC Radio 4
  14. I have a large military part that I would like to export to the US do I need an end user certificate for the part? Plus an export licence
  15. You could do with posting the military registration number of the K9, if its anything like the Champ it should have a brass plate mounted on the bulkhead or somewhere else? http://www.austinchamp.com/03%20Register/-theregister/Identification/identification.htm
  16. I've seen four of them in the last six months but when someone wants one none to be found on the auction site epay. £15 to £80
  17. A few pictures of the front left hand side hub. Stripped down due to the brake cylinders leaking. This started to happen before Beltring and I decided that it needed to be sorted before we travelled down [ATTACH=CONFIG]66745[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]66746[/ATTACH] As you can see below the brake linings r nice and shiny from brake fluid. [ATTACH=CONFIG]66747[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]66748[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]66749[/ATTACH] The linings were changed last year due to a similar problem [ATTACH=CONFIG]66750[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]66751[/ATTACH]
  18. Forget Dad's Army, new war records show the Home Guard was a Lads' Army of twenty-somethings and teenagers Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2191365/Forget-Dads-Army-newly-released-war-records-shows-Britains-Home-Guard-Lads-Army-somethings-teenagers.html#ixzz24CqFjgT4 Quite enjoyed some of the comments beneath the story
  19. Why do people buy rusty relics that they have no knowledge of where the material has been recovered from? The idea of buying a dogtag from a dealer that might hinder or totally ruin the chance of someones remains being identified just for money leaves me cold. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2190953/Nazi-grave-robbers-stealing-medals-equipment-BODY-PARTS-sell.html Do remember before you reply in one the World War 1 TV series on trench history and archaeology a trench that been newly dug was plundered overnight by so called collectors. I really am tempted to call them something else but I'll be good.
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