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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Long week wanting to get home and a thrown track. [ATTACH=CONFIG]63486[/ATTACH] Using the RB to move the carrier about [ATTACH=CONFIG]63487[/ATTACH]
  2. Contact the librarian at Bovington or if you have the time visit. What r the bins on the basket or what vehicle do they come off? I want a pair of those as well Nice kit layout by the way could I use it?
  3. Only one question and all males need to know the answer.................................... will the girls be there? The ones who were handing out T shirts at Beltring last year?
  4. I'll have a look I've been away for the last week almost in the middle of nowhere no TV (argh) so on so forth
  5. Bloody downer four or was it five days of work, engine out twice on the carrier, ignition problems and a thrown track put the top hat on the weekend other than that all is well on the carrier it runs it drives but it needs some more fettling. Will put up a pic of the thrown track tomorrow.
  6. This wouldn't be the same place that forecast a blistering summer would it??
  7. The answer to dead batteries on the Ferret is a battery cut off switch as the internal lights even though they look like they are switched off (no lights) are still on draining the batteries ( rheostat ). Very cheap on ebay and can be mounted onto the battery box.
  8. You could use the starting handle but with a bad back that isn't an option
  9. I have one steel poles just need to book in with Rick and his carrier
  10. Hopefully I can find the company that makes the replica GPMG's at War and Peace this year. Browning mounts aren't cheap it tends to be the GPMG mounts that are cheaper than the Browning turret mounts.
  11. Correct private sale with an agreement being reached over a spares package to be included in the sale of the vehicle. Said spares package was to have included everything, that was the impression that Tony reached with the seller of the vehicle. Extra spares then appeared on ebay that the buyer (Tony) thought was included in the sale. If it seems that I am edging my comments its because I know the seller and I know Tony as well and we had a conversation about this subject at the weekend just gone. In regards to the seller and the ' military hobby ' as far as I am aware he is leaving the hobby and concentrating on Motorbikes. In regards to the sharks in the hobby I'm sure that we can name a few individuals or organisations that could be described in that fashion. Remember that the military hobby is normally a friendly place the exceptions are rare but we tend to hear more about them than the good guys!
  12. VOSA's left and right hand doesn't seem to know what the other is doing
  13. The seller should have supplied the release documents as these should have been supplied to them presuming they asked for them from Withams. Only one copy of the release form is supplied so says the copy of the form that I have. I made sure that I picked up my form from Withams when I collected the vehicle (I didn't trust the Post Office with its delivery). If you're lucky Withams may still have the form. You can still get it insured on the chassis number and you can drive it to the testing station at VOSA for its MOT on the registration that is supplied by VOSA. Booking it in at a ministry testing station usually takes nearly a month for a time slot to become available. Make sure its tested as a private HGV no tacho required. From memory Preston Isaacs was fined £220 for not having one of his vehicles MOT'd as a private HGV. The truck needs to be MOT'd before the DVLA will even contemplate registering it. I did take pictures of the VIN plate and the axle loadings plate when I filled in my forms for VOSA. I must admit that they were very helpful
  14. Another one into the fold of owning the RB44 welcome on-board.
  15. Did you have wander round the stalls at Beltring last year (I'm presuming you did) someone was selling replica metal GPMG's which looked extremely good and for good money as well. Pity I lost the flyer I wanted two but that went for a burton with the flyer:mad:
  16. Flaming June they say more like rainy June. Summer will resume in September! Off to Southport tommorrow its peeing down here so I'll be taking my waterproofs and rubber duck.:undecided:
  17. Do excuse my stupidity wouldn't the gearbox be fitted with brakebands for each gear and a fluid fly/wheel? Welcome to the forum
  18. I am sure that I have seen pictures of Ferrets in Lebanon in the early eighties with the same bin or jerry can holder
  19. Do you have the biscuits to go with the brew can supply if needed
  20. Politics pain in the......:mad: First and foremost a show has to entertain if the public is paying those hard earned pennies for entering the show. Secondly the re-enactors and owners have to enjoy the show to keep on coming back for more. Thirdly a wall of green stuff will eventually drive the most patient of partner bonkers so you would be better catering for that rather than not. Lastly no show can stand on its laurels and think that its the best in the world and that it cannot change in some-way for the paying public. I still think that we have two different ideas on how an event should be staged and short of physically blocking the gate to stop people going home it isn't going to change. Keep it friendly the MV world is very very small.
  21. It sound like the kind of show that you would like to go too, laid back, friendly and full up. Its a hard job trying to please everyone its even harder setting up a show and having the show comeback year on year. Would it not be better to pass any comments on the shows make up good or bad through you're local MVT Area Secretary? From memory I seem to remember various letters / emails of congratulations being received by the Area Secretary in Manchester thanking him on behalf of the members for the turnout at various shows that members went too. I know the Area Secretary in Manchester asks for feedback so that it can be passed back to organisers, its more likely to be constructive that way.
  22. I might have I'll have to look through the manuals I'll let you know
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