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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. A few more piccies [ATTACH=CONFIG]65051[/ATTACH] My RB44 just as it arrived 07:00 on Thursday morning after a six hour drive which started at midnight Wednesday / Thursday. I hate driving at night and just as I was getting my second wind (not a double fart) we changed drivers. [ATTACH=CONFIG]65052[/ATTACH] View from A34 Comet whilst waiting to go into the arena (thanks Rick for passing up a cabby). [ATTACH=CONFIG]65053[/ATTACH] CVRT in front I'm sorry not sure which type Scimitar, Sabre, Scorpion? [ATTACH=CONFIG]65054[/ATTACH] A34 Comet looking back down the line Centurion behind [ATTACH=CONFIG]65055[/ATTACH] Taken from the gunners hatch of the Comet Neils OT-90 [ATTACH=CONFIG]65056[/ATTACH] Jeep and Humber Scout car? Bit blurry night before hand shakes [ATTACH=CONFIG]65058[/ATTACH] Not sure what this is but it reminds me of the Matchbox model kit that I made years ago
  2. That is the reason that I bought so few bits this time I have more than enough! Did manage to get hold of a copy of Kevin Bownes Ferret book and had him sign it. Did you go into the arena?
  3. 2012 will be hard show to beat on so many levels Ferret pics tomorrow
  4. Mud so what I didn't manage to slip on my butt I used my common sense and didn't move the RB44 until the ground hardened up. On arrival at 06:30 hours we drove down one of the roads with the gloop on it towing the carrier on a trailer and when the vehicle started to slow down rather than dig ourselves in we headed for a firmer spot and unloaded the carrier and proceeded on without the dead weight. Grub wise I asked my better half to stock up on trays of food and water from Makro. Preparation is the key to enjoying the show and thinking outside the box on what you might need when you arrive.
  5. I'll echo that forums can be spoilt by individuals with hidden agendas and somewhat odd behaviours to put that mildly. If you look at the forum for the vast majority of the time you will not see what the moderators do which is a sign of it working well. It ain't easy
  6. Some pictures non Ferret first M36 Jackson [ATTACH=CONFIG]65040[/ATTACH] M10 Achilles [ATTACH=CONFIG]65041[/ATTACH] Kevins carrier [ATTACH=CONFIG]65042[/ATTACH] Ricks Universal Carrier MK1 [ATTACH=CONFIG]65043[/ATTACH] Dingo, Valentine, Ferret, Ram Kangaroo and Sexton?? [ATTACH=CONFIG]65048[/ATTACH] Sat on the turret of Battlefronts Russian self propelled Gun waiting to go in the arena [ATTACH=CONFIG]65049[/ATTACH]
  7. He did the big Daimler as featured in CMV this month is something else in some respects it drove me as I'm a bit of a lightweight (lacking in muscle) but I wouldn't mind doing it again at some point. The Dingo wow thats really nice its a beaut as our Australian friends would say.
  8. On a very selfish level I had a belter of a show a cabby in an A34 Comet around the arena, a drive of a Daimer armoured car and a Dingo courtesy off Singe (my appreciation to Singe)! Pictures too follow
  9. The only bought a few things SLR Bayonet £40 not sure if that was cheap suspect not ho hum Mounting plate for an Clansman IB3 box (Ferret) £5 Missed out on a Ferret basket which I knew that I should have coughed up the pennies for when I saw it.
  10. The person in the command seat and on the mike was responsible (can't imagine who that was) :red:
  11. Why should anyone need to speculate we all know the conditions mud, rain and a bit of sun = British summer time!
  12. Suspect not but I have the earlier style of mount that fits that turret open to offers
  13. This C303 attends events in the North West from what little memory that I have I think its a trials vehicle. It always looks immaculate whenever I see it. http://www.westlancsmvt.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=157672880
  14. Would love too its gone pear shaped at r end lack of MOT on a DAF. I might kick Ricks Carrier into the long grass and bring a Ferret instead.
  15. It should be fun whatever the ever the weather.... kit out vehicle and self with appropriate wet weather gear and hope its sunny all week. If it pees down so be it, we get that all the time up here in the sunny north west of england! We still have to work. Its the weekends that p me off as most of the time during the week its dry and the weekend is wet and miserable! I'm still smiling honest!!
  16. Congrats looking forward to seeing it running in the future
  17. But they won't register it until its MOT'd catch 22. Don't forget to put you're exemption in for a tacho as a PLG It took me a month to get my RB44 in for an MOT its a busy time of year for MOT stations as everyone is off on there jollies so when do companies book trucks and trailers in for an MOT?
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