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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. The bead on American tyres is different to the type of tyre fitted to Ferret rims and as the rims are made out of aluminium I wouldn't machine them to fit, but thats just me. In the UK we can still get hold of tyres that will fit the rims it would seem that on the face of it thats harder to find the correct tyre to fit the rims in Australia. Bummer for them Thanks for taking the time to reply its appreciated.
  2. Good on you for going out there nothing ventured nothing gained.... Some of the Jeeps looked quite good I am not really interested Jeeps but having one redone as it was in French Foreign Legion service would be interesting.
  3. Is it some kind of boom defence for underneath the water? The drawing suggests that it can be moved in any direction once its planted on the sea / lakebed
  4. Does anyone know what 9.00x16 tyres are available for British vehicles in Australia (Ferrets in particular).
  5. Its scrubbing the oil off the carpet in the New Year that pees me off !! :cry:
  6. Crossed bayonets do it properly
  7. Pictures on MLU http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?t=19168
  8. This mount is for the small three door turrets as fitted on early Saracens and Ferrets
  9. The unknown mount is for a GPMG in a Ferret turret
  10. I think its the top one in the picture below I have seen them on ebay before now. You have to make sure you buy the small tin not the larger tin box. Champ owners with a bit off luck will be along shortly to correct me if I'm wrong [ATTACH=CONFIG]69193[/ATTACH] Small tin http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Military-first-aid-kit-box-for-armoured-vehicles-suit-collector-/121014645671?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item1c2d08f3a7&_uhb=1 Large tin http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MILITRY-FIRST-AID-BOX-/150941124174?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item2324cac64e&_uhb=1
  11. Without getting into the legalities and going round and round in what constitutes a special vehicle or an engineering vehicle or even an educational vehicle the onus is on the owner to have the vehicle correctly MOT'd and taxed. If you have an accident and the insurance company deems that the vehicle should have been MOT'd and not exempted the insurance company will void the insurance leaving you uninsured and liable for any damages that the other vehicle owner has inccured. If you can say that you have enough money in you're bank account or the value of you're house plus you're parents house and pension pot to pay off a personnel injury claim then go ahead and exempt you're vehicle. Nough said
  12. Unpack it and post up some pictures or the numbers that you find someone on hmvf will be able to decipher the numbers for you. Good luck
  13. I think I have had two of those tents but not the tubes as they were on the vehicle. Someone here will have a Sultan lets hope someone can take some pictures of the tubes on the vehicle
  14. Its a shame but the breadth of work that he leaves behind especially Dads Army and the catch phrase they don't like it up em will last for ever. RIP
  15. I know what type of tent you mean now I have had two in the past both sold on to buy Ferret spares, by all accounts these command type of tents r quite rare so good luck finding one.
  16. This type of tent normally only has three poles at the front the back wall is supported by the vehicle http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/British-Army-CVRV-Fox-scorpion-FV-Crew-tent-with-waterproof-groundsheet-/170938652973?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item27ccbcd92d&_uhb=1
  17. Wouldn't have been much left to pick up if it had fallen in.... brown trousers all round
  18. Covers on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Military-tarpaulin-cover-heavy-duty-plastic-RB44-Fire-Truck-trailer-cover-/181005082516?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET&hash=item2a24be5f94
  19. Could you not use a hammer on the gremlins fingers, said gremlin won't touch without asking again!
  20. Classic Military Vehicle magazine have had an article on 2CV's a long long time ago. I also think Military Machines International have had an article on the same vehicle. The reason they were trialled or used was that helicopters couldn't lift the heavier 4WD then in use. Piston engined Westland Whirlwinds (Sikorsky S-55). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westland_Whirlwind_(helicopter) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westland_Wessex Wasn't the Lightweight Land Rover designed to be stripped down so that the Westland Wessex could lift it? Jeeps on carriers a three wheeled version was used on carriers postwar adaption?
  21. I made sure that I received my form from Withams on the day that I picked the vehicle up, they were reluctant to give me the form. Why the reluctance I don't know the scrap of paper that I was asked to sign didn't seem to be correct. Always better to do it the correct way as it always seems to turn round and bite you if you try any other way. Maybe thats just me
  22. Don't take offence but shouldn't this be in most engines already as a basic anti corrosion jobby?
  23. Is it the same as the Post war type as seen in the link below? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320988950608?nma=true&si=orUDBWmgZxjFEiXsCyYG6%2B7NacQ%3D&rt=nc&_trksid=p4340.l2557&orig_cvip=true#ht_500wt_1167
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