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Everything posted by montie

  1. Some Sherman pics here and a few unidentified tanks on the previous page. http://www.sa-transport.co.za/military/tanks_2.html
  2. Not quite in the same category but yes, my replica version of Shelby's wildlife and a GT40. There was a promise of a half-built Daytona coupe kit but it fell by the wayside.
  3. During a business trip today, I made a small detour to two Saracens I wanted to photograph for some time now. I did not have a proper camera with me at the time and had to settle for the cell phone. Ok, quality not too good, I will make sure I take the digital camera along next time. Both were open at the back and quite surprisingly, relatively complete. The first one is in the most unmolested condition with a lot of the original fittings still intact. The number on this one is Alv 716. I could not find the registration number (plate has been removed and there was a box in the way af the plate bolted to the hull) Even the gun ring is very complete! The second one has been fitted with glass as most other security vehicles and a lot of equipment has been removed. (It looked like kids wanted to proof to themselves that its bulletproof!) The number on this one is Alv720 and the registration number is 96BA66 I also noticed this very peculier tow hook, never seen it before on any of our military vehicles.
  4. Hi Marc, welcome to this forum, thank you for the lead to the MLU forum!
  5. Hi guys, Just stumbled accross this looking for Solex 40 NNIP carb info. http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/manuals.htm
  6. Called in the youth with their extensive gadget knowledge! Voila!!
  7. Operation Carb Overhaul kicked off today! Removed the carb after a battle to get to some of the nuts (thinking to myself how much fun I am going to have when refitting:-D) The gaskets were intact, although very soft as if they were soaked in fuel. Now for the stripping to fathom out what is worn (I reckon the needle and seat is one of the offending parts and the worn butterfly shaft). A poor pic of the part numbers! (Electronic gadgets! :banghead:) Also took a snap of the ignition module, Standard? Electronic ignition maybe? I have got nothing to compare it to, will have to check the manual again. I will also have to go back to the Saracen 88 article, maybe someting in there? Well, wish me luck!
  8. Must have been a challenge! Even the catalogueing of the parts! Putting one together again shouldn't be too difficult, all spares fit all? Post a pic!
  9. Hi guys, You might as well use the indiginous South African word assiated with this type of person/s (can't call them animals as it would be an insult to animals as they don't do such things!) You might also have come accross the word in your world as it is sometimes used in plays and films. I even think there is a film by this name! The word is "tsotsi", in singular form or tsotsi's if plural. It is applicable accross all races and tribes and is generally accepted everywhere.
  10. Hi guys, no takers yet? I really need your assistance.
  11. Hi Nick, I envy you. Lots of time on hand with a hobby like this! Pity about the weather and the garage though. Welcome, I'm sure, a lot of fun to be had here.
  12. Hi, not to worry, Sarah, I bet there will be a hundred Landy boffins along soon to lend a hand! Post some pics, it always helps!
  13. An ideal opportunity to do a fully illustrated chronicle of this event! :cool2::cool2: (For Justin - just in case us other poor mortals need to go there too and for future reference!)
  14. Hi Randy, welcome to the forum, plenty of stuff to keep you busy for a while, it might just motivate you to get a MV!
  15. You guys are right! I have found a couple of pics on google and Youtube. The lights appear the same, however one cant see too much detail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Px67b4fu1U&feature=related
  16. Hi Mettlen, I am glad it found a new home with a caring owner.
  17. Hi guys, Excuse my ignorance but I have no idea what a Leopard 1 or a M2 Amphibious Rig is.:blush: I will go dig with search on the forum. The lens diameter is 130mm or just over 5 inches.
  18. Hi Mettlen, Welcome to this forum, from a fellow Saracen owner. Which Saracen on ebay was it? Being an aircraft mech, you will be used to working in cramped spaces and this experience will come in handy! Here are a lot of Saracen owners on the forum and boffins with libraries of knowledge. You probably have been using the search facility on the forum, you will be surprised at what it turns up. Good luck and may you have a lot of fun with it.
  19. Been fiddling on the Saracen. When taking the head-light apart, it looks very different to any other saracen lights. It is a "Saracen 88" but does anybody have any information on this type? It has a clear (non-frosted) cover that must be removed before getting to the head-lamp. The globes are also of the halogen type.
  20. This pic has been posted elsewhere but I think this is where it belongs. The photo was taken in the 1950's in South Africa. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?16817-Saracen-Build-up/page28
  21. One should not forget to mention the upfront risk assessment, to do toolbox talks, pre-job briefs and an inspection to see whether all tools and equipment comply to health and safety regulations and are safe to use, the necessary PPE (personal protective equipment) and ensuring that the person doing the job is actually qualified and certified as such, the availbility of approved method statements of exactly how the job should be done, the quality inspection plan with hold points ensuring that the QC is satisfied and signing off as the job progresses. I forgot the lock-out procedure of the power, putting up the compulsory safety signs indicating that people are working nearby and warning everybody else about the potential tripping and shock hazards of electricity, reviewing similar incidents with lessons learnt where people ended up being electricuted.
  22. Hi Neil, Welcome to the best forum from another ex aircraft mech.
  23. Yes Richard, here is the registration card copy. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?16817-Saracen-Build-up/page11 Toolman, here is a pic of mine, appears similar.
  24. Thanks Chris, I have only a pic with a rear view of this one!
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