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Everything posted by montie

  1. Nope, still not sure of everything! I know the hydraulic pressure is low as I have very limited power steering and that big red light is all that is still illuminated with the engine running. It doesn't make sense about the size of the lamp, though! I have had a lot of help regarding manuals which I dearly appreciate but haven't been able to source any South African Modification info yet!
  2. Herewith the video of starting the Saracen, quality sucks, good excuse to get another camera. Something went wrong...
  3. A bit of good news there! Sarie fired up on the first push of the starter button, not even using the choke! I also found a little fuel sweating on the carb banjo fitting, even with new copper crush washers. Also suspecting the fuel presure to be a bit on the high side, with the fuel pumps in series. Any ideas of the correct fuel pressure, as I do have a fuel pressure regulator that can to be installed? I am getting the camera a little bit later tonight and will then do the video.
  4. Thank you very much Clive, I have no problem with that, I seem to be rather lonely in this part of the world regarding this hobby!
  5. Very nice, just seeing this thing would scare anybody away!
  6. Hi Clive, May I have a copy as well, please? I will take the audacity to pm you my e-mail address as well. Thanks in advance.
  7. Rick, where was the problem with it not starting? Still curious.
  8. Hi pjg1979, how about this? Although not a Landy but still catches attention! Welcome, hope you find your landy soon!
  9. Hi Bob, I think it is called a Blou wildebees as there are two types, the blou wildebees and the swart wildebees. The Blue wildebeest are known for their yearly mass migrations in the Serengeti plains in Tanzania. This one is still a youngster and adopted one of the cows as its mother. It apparantly just pitched up during the hunting season from a neighboring farm, I think. It was very wild initially and wouldn't like it at all when the cows came closer to us.
  10. Hi Steve, welcome in! Post some pics, please.
  11. Haven't gotten around to starting Sarie yet, have gone camping to get out a bit. Feeling sorry for you snowbound okes, high summer over here, here are some pics from the trip!
  12. Sorry, no advice but welcome to the forum. Lot of knowhow on the forum, somebody is bound to know. You tried the search facility?
  13. Handy manuals although you probably have it already. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?21279-Handy-Ferret-manuals
  14. The carb has now been assembled and installed! What a mission! All plumbing, links and cables connected, I will start her tomorrow,check for leaks and try my hand at tuning her. Just need a bit of info on the ignition system as well, will be doing some researching in the manuals tonight.
  15. " Trying to figure out what "yomping" meant, triggered another question, and this is the word "pommy" I was always told the word came down to "pome", which then meant "Prisoners of Mother England" I know the word pommy was used extensively during the Boer War referring to English soldiers, but I never could quite get to the bottom of this.... Help?
  16. Thanks for the update! I suppose it all depends on spares availability and prices, maybe some digging, scrounging, begging and helpful souls on HMVF can help? Standard would be very fitting, though!
  17. Richard, I'm so sh*t scared of touching those sun wheels after I found the busted one on my sarie, especially with the assembly procedure to reinstall!! For you professionals, it is a piece of pie! I would much rather lift the fuel tank panels, remove the circlips on the drive shafts and slide the splined sleeves forward to disconnect the forward set of wheels.
  18. Got hold of this carb manual and got the carb together again. Refitting tomorrow and then for starting Sarie again. solex_40nnipcarb.pdf
  19. Link to nice pics in various MV categories http://svsm.org/gallery/walkarounds
  20. Interesting link! http://www.com-central.net/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=11417
  21. Hi Stuart, Interesting blog with a small technical section, might not cover your request though.
  22. Taken on a trip to a mine for a site meeting. Should put one up in the pub! Progress on the carb. Problem seems to be too high a float level possibly due a worn needle and seat or too high fuel pressure because of the electric fuel pumps. I still can't get any info or guideline as to what the maximum fuel pressure should be.
  23. Come to South Africa and you will consider drivers in Holland 100% competant. You should see the South African township-taxis during peak traffic! (Dang, at any other time too but then they drive at exactly half the speed of everybody else and preferrably in the fast lane and still stopping for no obvious reason!) There is definately two sets of road rules, one for township taxis and the official one for normal people. If you complain, you are glared off the road, by passengers included and called a racist! Flippen h*ll, they even overtake oneanother on the shoulder of the road at breakneck speed and stop in the middle of traffic at a hint that a pedestrian lifts a finger!:drive::evil::angry:cry::mad::shocked::wow::nono::whistle::shake::pfrt: I should put together a selection of video clips one day! Amusing to some but deadly overhere.
  24. Some more South African Saracens. http://www.sa-transport.co.za/military/armoured_vehicles_5.html
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