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Everything posted by montie

  1. Hi guys, Here goes, trying to upload the register, still a very long way from being finished. Still lots of numbers missing and pics missing for numbers listed. I am just worried it is getting too big to upload. There must still be a lot of inconsistancies and incorrect info on the register. All advice, info, pics and criticism is welcome. No ways, saved it as a PDF file but my internet connection seems to be too slow, will try again tomorrow afternoon.
  2. Nah, just me being daft, you guys are much too clever for me!
  3. You are right as always, either I'm going blind or I should go to bed! Late and I am working in 5 hours time!
  4. Remembering the post of Rick Cove regarding the Australian Saracens, http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19375-Saracen-chassis-number...where-is-it...&p=216124#post216124 , do these numbers extend to all other Saracens as well? According to Rick's info, number 115387 is thus an Australian Saracen but the similar number 115225 is not listed as Australian? The ID plate from my Saracen does not reflect a 115xxx number though.
  5. Hi Oily, I thought it is just mine misbehaving! Have you got anything on the tuning part?
  6. Welcome, welcome, you will find that this is an international forum. Don't hold back, post pics, lots of pics, especially Vietnam pics!
  7. I found it. Oily, it was you all the time!! Something went wrong...
  8. Hi Marmon, Welcome to the forum, old chap! Speaking of Jags, I have an old complete XJ6 that I will be breaking shortly, are any engine related spares useful for MV's? The motor was stripped many moons ago and NOT by me. I only want the radiator, front and rear suspension as well as the instrumentation (Cobra related!), the rest is free (I want no costs either, I need the space)
  9. To all you Saracen, Saladin and Stolly boffins out there, what would be the easiest way to tune such a beast? The manual would have one way, but I sure there are "shortcuts" that are quicker and more accurate, yet yielding better results. I remember a short video on Youtube (will look for it) of somebody starting such a beast and it started so easily evertime as compared to this one of mine. Are spares such as points and condensors still readily available? Then there is still the carburettor rebuild. I am hesitantly asking about spares as I am sure it will need some, seeing how fuel leaks from the throttle shaft after switching it off. How sensitive are these carbs to fuel pressure and is there a pressure spec somewhere? Any help appreciated!
  10. According to this link: In the latter half of 2001, South Africa destroyed her reserve stocks of Vickers MMG's, some 2250 in total, in both .303 British and the unique South African 7.62 NATO conversion, http://www.saaaca.org/links/SIG/vickers.htm
  11. That is a shame to keep it to yourself, could you pleeeeze post a scanned copy,......PLEEEEEZE?? (was looking for a begging smilie)
  12. Here are some, they (Marmon Herringtons) are South African afterall!! :cool2: Here is another thread. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?18874-Armoured-Vehicle-identification
  13. Hi guys, I see precious little said about this machine gun. When I was in infantry training (5 SAI, based in Ladysmith, Natal) during 1978 -1979, this was still part and parcel of some Infantry platoon's training, mostly for base protection. Made a big impression on me! Even made a model of it during Border Service but don't have any pictures:cry: Here is a link for the write-up http://samilitaryhistory.org/vol012rd.html
  14. I remembered this post when I stumbled upon this write-up of the "de Beer's gun" Here is a link. http://samilitaryhistory.org/vol041dp.html
  15. Hi Chas, Thanks a great deal for the pics! Shows what a little pressure can do:cool2: I seem to miss the pic for haybaggerman's Saracen, although other guys seems to have it:???
  16. Thanks Chas, 81BA45 picture included in register and cross referenced to number, according to info by Rick Cove, this is an Australian Saracen?
  17. Hi John, I uploaded 23 photos with a few numbers onto the Saracen register that weren't listed yet. I even got hold of a pic of your Saracen, believe it or not. Here it is.
  18. Lee, I could properly identify 7 Saracens and added their pics to the register, some of which the numbers were not even listed! There are a quite a few however that I could not be sure of the numbers. Is there any way you could post the pics for inclusion in the registry? ( I am assuming that you have got access to it, of course!) Thanks in advance!
  19. Hi guys, I have been aware of this for a while and have not seen this in any post yet and I don't think I missed it! The originator is too modest to upload it himself and with his permission, here it is.(This address is different, let's hope it works!) Enjoy! I acn't get the link to work YET! Here is a link in the meantime http://www.youtube.com/user/safariswing#p/u/4/vJy04qaVXJs
  20. Hi guys, The Saracen register this far, constructive criticism welcomed! I know this is probably not necessary but, when you move the cursor over the highlighted blue section, you will see a little hand appear, press and hold in the Ctrl button while also right clicking on the mouse. This should take you to a pic of the Saracen in question. Saracen Register[1].pdf
  21. Lee, You are the MAN! Many thanks!
  22. How is this for a fib? Picture removed.
  23. Hi Ollie, Use the search facility on this site and look for the Bedford gallery, I have seen one somewhere here!
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