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Everything posted by montie

  1. Hi Paul, welcome in. You have been around it seems. Post some pics of your models, they sound great!
  2. Yeah, welcome in. Pics will be very welcome.
  3. No Oily, just turned it around under it's own power inside the yard. Still some work (remember that stipped wheel reduction box that needs replacing?) that I want to do before attemping a longer trip.
  4. Brackets on the body for supporting the water tank "hanger" This pic came out sideways.
  5. Details of the water tank "hanger"
  6. Hi Silvia, Welcome to the forum, a lot of Dodge nuts reside here! Some South African Dodges. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19274-South-African-MV-Scrapyard-finds/page2
  7. Hi Oily, you mean hot, especially with the exhaust/silencer in such close proximity? Can't you fit a universal stainless silencer with similar dimensions, it is such a hassle to make up a silencer yourself. Behind that left front panel on mine is only a silencer and the exhaust gas is still very hot since the outlet is so close to the engine. Each time I start the engine, it melts the nylon shadow netting pulled over for protection against the elements if not removed in time.
  8. Here goes, the water tank itself, the hanger next. (all measurements in millimeters) Made from Stainless steel, probably 304 and around 1.2mm thick \
  9. It hit me like a hammer, could this be the same??? post 224 Saracen build-up
  10. For you, I killa da bull!!
  11. Had to take off the water tank due to a leak on the tap. The tank and hanger is very well made.
  12. Best I could come up with after a lot of searching was a couple of Leopard pics! Thank you very much for the helpful info.
  13. Hi Bob, I also can't understand this tendency for the Saladin's disc brakes to leak. Does it get that cold in your area too? In one of the early posts on the Saracen rebuild thread, even the Saladin disc brakes themselves were considered unsatisfactory. Puzzling?! And you don't want to re-engineer it either. Best of luck!
  14. How does one accurately measure the wheel circumference with weight on?
  15. You seem to have a whole library of Saracen pics, also remembering the Saracen tribute you put on Youtube. That was very well done and must have taken you ages to do! Thanks again!
  16. Thank you, added to the register! Is the last pic from before you got it? Nice job you did on it. More pics are always welcome!
  17. Thanks, now included in the Saracen register.
  18. Very well done! Do you have the registration number of the vehicle, maybe? Mine was immediately underneath the L/H escape hatch.
  19. Good, good, one of these days you will have your's posted!
  20. I had similar problems but worse assumptions on the positions. Fortunately Richard had corrected me. Third is where you have indicated neutral and neutral is the horisontal slot between the vertical legs. It is somewhere on my rebuild thread as well.
  21. You truly are between a rock and a hard place! Paint it and with it goes the most famous (infamous) Sarry's recent history, if you don't, everybody is going to hassle you!! Keep it like that for the time being and see how it goes. What condition is the paint in?
  22. Pleasant surprise at seeing the South African flag proudly displayed! Around here is is being cut out of history and not allowed to be displayed at all.
  23. This article claims that if it wasn't for the Hurricane, the Battle of Britain would have been lost! http://members.iinet.net.au/~gduncan/index.html
  24. Welcome in sir, impressive collection you have. Post some pics?!
  25. There are a few stripped sarry's around with dashes taken out, but I don't even want to imagine the hassle of installing it without the proper accompaning wiring harness! Pity about the manuals, execellent for reading up now that you guys are boxed in. I sent you a pm
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