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Everything posted by montie

  1. Good to have you back! Impressive progress! The centre set of wheels are not steerable?
  2. Welcome Patrick, you had a very good start with Clive!
  3. Hi Dave, There is a Saracen gallery thread on here, I don't know if that is going too help much. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19529-What-!-No-Saracen-Gallery. I also started a register in Word on my PC but it is too big to upload. Saracen info is rather scarce but I have had a lot of help from the chaps on the forum. Evenso, it might not be of much use. PM me your email address and I will try and upload it for you. I do remember having seen some pics of Hong Kong Police vehicles but might not be posted because of copyright rules on the forum. Probably a daft question, but have you tried making use of the search facility on the forum?
  4. Hi Alaskan, I guess your wife read your thread too!!:cool2: You are very quiet and I hate suspense! Progress update, please!
  5. Hi Dave, a warm welcome to the forum! There are quite a few Saracen nuts onboard this forum. I have tried my hand at making a register on the forum, Also a Word document on my PC with numbers owners and pics, but is way too big to upload. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19529-What-!-No-Saracen-Gallery Have fun and enjoy! Cheers, Monty.
  6. montie

    Action pic

    I couldn't resist to upload this pic!
  7. I came accross this pic and I can't resist to post it. The baboons are from Africa but the sarry? No ways! Had a good laugh though!
  8. Hi guys, I got this helmet from one of our local scap metal yards a few weeks ago. Seeing that this site is teeming with boffins, it thought this would be the best place to pose the question. It is very different from our old army helmets and when looking at pics on the net, it appears similar to german helmets. It does not for instance, have the rivets on the sides, so I don't know. I can't explain either how this helmet got to this part of the world and why it would end up where I found it. The condition is not too bad, one small ding on the top, the strap has snapped and the lacing is gone on the inside. The paint is not to bad and it does not appear to be repainted. Any ideas?
  9. Thanks Richard, I was worried it will come to that, I will open her up at the first opportunity I get. This weekend is out though, wife says we need to "visit" the kids. They are moving house, if you get what I am saying. Meanwhile, I will do some research in my manuals before I get told to do so.
  10. Hi Alaskan, I have seen a lot of South African Saracens (and taken a lot of pictures, posted on this forum) and although a lot of their engine compartments weren't accesible, I have yet to come across a diesel version. Also, all are Saracen 88's and I have yet to come across a South African Saracen that is not an 88! Liking or not liking what you are doing, it sure takes a lot of guts and funds! Do you intend to selloff eventually?
  11. Richard to the rescue as always! I still have a problem and thinking back to when I first moved it, battling with the gears, it might have been evident then, I was/am just to inexperienced to pick it up!
  12. thanks for all the help, guys!
  13. My son took these pics at a show at the exhibition center in Melborne. Unfortunately the number on the sarry couldn't be found.
  14. Hi guys, I am in need of some help, please!! I tried to move the saracen today but even with the handbrake released,it wouldn't bodge and felt if the brakes are holding. Eventually with my son's remark "what is that lever for", and my explanation that it is for a trailer, it proved to be air park brakes! So with it off and in Neutral the saracen moved! It seems to be stuck in this gear, no matter how I cycle it! The only way to go from forward into reverse is swithing off the engine, operate the transfer-box lever to change the direction and start up again! Please help!
  15. This is really bare bones! Actually ugly when stripped down like this. What are the three boxes/ latches for on the back? Interesting conversions you have done. How was the clearance for the sump and how do you drain the oil when servicing?
  16. Hi Rodney, I had such thoughts myself a while ago. I waa thinking along the lines of changing only the powerplant with a small block V8 or a diesel. it remained a pipedream, however. On a different note, was the RPG mesh, Kremlin mesh or such, as was used on sarry's in Ireland any good? More info on this?
  17. Hi Phill, a great find indeed!! Whatever you do please don't even consider scrapping! Please put up some pics and as Toolman said, (thanks mate!) I am very interested in the Saracen plates. It will be a great addition to the Saracen gallery as well!
  18. Condolances mate.:cry: May you and your family experience the Lord's love during this time. You will always have good memories that you can cherish.
  19. Hi guys, going through the video links you posted, I came accross this Australian Saracen. Rick Cove posted a list of Australian Saracens some time ago but this particular Saracen's number doesn't feature. Would any of you perhaps know how many sarry's went to Australia, or more detail of this MV?
  20. Pity she didn't try that stunt when you were in one of the MV's, but then, you would have been the "culprit" and everybody would want to ban private ownership of our toys!
  21. Hi Chas, Saracen 88's maybe, but I yet have to come across one that was dieselized! All good old B80's as far as I know, but I would not put my money on it, though! You never know with the Army mechanics and schemers!
  22. Hi, we went visiting over the weekend and happened to come across two more sarries! One still pretty much as the army sold it and the other one similar to my sarry, or as modified for the security industry. Could not get the vehicle numbers, both vehicles were locked but some ports were open.
  23. Hi Rich, Welcome to the forum! First time I see you posting. Please post some pics so that we can see what you are up against. I have got some manuals but a wiring diagram, nope. Lots of Sarry friends onboard this forum though that might be able to assist.
  24. Oily, my hat off to you! I have worked on aircraft where space restraints made one's life difficult especially Airbus aircraft. Mechanics bitched when having to work on these, preferring Boeing planes. With this background and myself having struggled working downthere in the engine compartment, I have sort of an idea what you must be going through, doing this for the first (Hopefully last ) time! I like your strategy to replace the rubber components now when the engine is out. It will surely pay dividends later on. Go man, go! Looking forward to your report and good luck to you!
  25. Got somewhere today, fooling around in the saracen with the engine running. Referring to page 23, the IR switch definitely has to do with the lights, if the rotary light switch is fully rotated (rather, as far as it can go), the IR indicator light lights up when the IR switch is activated. The other puzzle sorted was the big red indicator light as shown in the video clip on the same page. This big red indicator light illuminated during the run as shown on the video, seems to be master warning light, popping up if any warning light comes on. During today's run, the warning light indicating water in the fuel, illuminated intermittently, closely followed by the "master warning light". This "water in fuel" pickup must be faulty however, as all lines were replaced and fresh fuel added to the fuel tank. Till later. My mistake, it is the radiater warning light that illuminated intermittently, but even so, the radiator is full and filled with anti-freeze as well.
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