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Everything posted by montie

  1. Hi Bill, welcome to the forum. I have the same kind of background, ended up with a sarry though. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?16817-Saracen-Build-up/page3
  2. Hi Rodney, sounds like you have been driving your sarry! Did you have some manuals during this episode/ordeal? You would be one of the lucky few! I don't have a troubleshooting manual and it would surely be handy now. Do post more pics!
  3. Hi Allan, welcome in. I thought you guys only get snow in the 3 or 4 months around December? Bummer!:nut:
  4. Thanks Fugly, any info is welcome! I don't have a problem yet but to me this is a daunting task if it had to come to that. At my end of the world, there are not any knowledgeable people left, so many thanks to the forum chaps!
  5. Hi Paul, has a blown head gasket or worst, a cracked head been discounted yet? You have probably already tested for this and this is just my two cents worth. Some of our local radiator shops has some sort of attachment that is put on top of the radiator filler cap receptacle (cap removed before starting) once the engine has reached operating temperature. The mixture inside the attachment then reacts with any CO2 in the water system, indicated by a colour change. The CO2 in the water, if any can only come from the combustion chambers, thus indicating a gas passage somewhere in the engine. So, if no colour change, you dont have a problem in that area. Regards.
  6. Welcome Mike, the best forum ever! Do post some pics, ever so welcome!
  7. Thanks Richard, it goes to show though, that without specialist knowledge like yours on these vehicles, it's a downright minefield of mistakes, not helped by us making assumptions either. Between you guys overthere, you could probably have a oneday workshop at a show on this vehicle! With some (monetary?) contributions, it could probably make it worth your while while imparting and preserving precious knowledge, to be lost for keeps. :angel:
  8. Hi Rodney, check out this thread re. numbers: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19375-Saracen-chassis-number...where-is-it...&highlight=saracen+numbers Thanks for the pic, it does look in good nick, has it been stored undercover or roof?
  9. Hi Alaskan, welcome to the forum! So, you are also burdened with a beast! I have been busy compiling a Saracen register with pics and registration numbers. Please be so kind to post some pics and the registration number of your Saracen and if you have, that of any other sarrys too for inclusion into the register.
  10. Hi Oily, although a lot of work, you only need to move the engine a few inches forward to get to the flywheel. Andy does make it look so simple and easy though!
  11. Good for you, you had some luck! I would still have changed the crush washer though. Hopefully it wil hold.
  12. Thanks Andy, I am reading this in awe, I am really impressed, thinking how long it must have taken figuring this all out and getting to all the hidden bolts. Go man, go!
  13. Eddy, not wanting to be a wise guy, I guess it ties in with the saying "don't fix it if it aint broke". In this case it is probably disaster waiting to happen if it wept again and just topping up. I always heard about 'Blocks leak' and suchlike, adding it to the coolant and then it would "seal the leak". Although the thought came up about using such stuff in this case rather than removing the engine, I have never trusted the stuff! At the end of the day, this fix would probably last a lot longer if not for keeps. Stopdrilling the crack reminded me of my aircraft days, though!
  14. Hats off to you!!! I am in agreement with an interesting repair, let's hope it lasts!! Maybe expand on the unbolting procedure, please?
  15. Hi Oily, I found the address but it no longer works. What a let down. Here it is, maybe you have got better luck. http://www.trackpads.net/sites/heavymetal/index.html . The words: Doug's heavy metal gallery featured here as well, this has also been referred to on this site but still no luck. Finally!!! http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~dgrev/dhmg/andjef.html
  16. Hi Oily, so close,yet so far! Your best hope is that Richard picks up on the thread. I have gathered some manuals with the help of the forum, i don't remember having anything on removing the engine. There was a site sometime ago where the guy's engine was removed in the middle of nowhere, I'll try to get hold of it for you.
  17. Quite a pity but seeing that was not original, so be it. What are you putting back? False economy, maybe? Good luck with the project, I see some more lurking in the back ground.
  18. Hi Tom, welcome to the forum. I enjoy your grammer and the models are great!
  19. Mark, I did see some Landrovers but appeared to be the civilian type. I will take some photo's for you next time. I still owe you that.
  20. Welcome in. Landrovers seems to be taking over!! Good luck with your project.
  21. Warm welcome! Please post more pics.
  22. Discovered another ( in actual fact two) MV scrapyards. Could not get permission to go in but will be back. At least the guy put me on the trail of a wheel station. Took some pics through the fence, these scrapyards are HUGE! The one have two Saracens but I couldn't get close. New cellphone too and I don't know how to operate the zoom function, yet!. I will be back!
  23. Hi Rodney, welcome to the forum indeed. I can't agree more with John on his method. He maybe should have warned you about the copper washer even before removing it even though you will replace it. Always good as a sample for a replacement. You didn't say anything about your own size but at some point you may wish that you are japanese and a small one at that!:-D The type of oil used may come up for discussion as well. Do you have the registration number of the vehicle? It is on a plate bolted to the inside of the body just underneath the left hand escape hatch. Go ahead and post more pictures as well. Enjoy the forum!
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