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Everything posted by rog8811

  1. I have always considered series landies as being multi seat tractors...(without exception I have owned diesels), My last I described as a series 2 1/2 as like so many it had been mucked about with over its long career. Every one I have had has been someone elses project that was never completed so lots to keep me occupied. What I had most recently looked like a series 3 with the chassis engine and gearbox of a series 2A, I loved working on it and, eventually, driving it. Sadly mrs rog didn't like driving it and as her company car goes back soon I had to sell the landie to get a daily drive for her.:blush: I Still have the number plate so WHEN I get my next one, as I surely will, it will have to be a 1963 model to match the number plate!
  2. post more pici's once you get the roof on, nice project....one that has been a pipe dream of mine as well:-\
  3. I wonder if they overflew the Derwent and Howden dams while they were in the neighborhood?
  4. Picked up at last by the national press http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2199311/Millions-modified-classic-cars-banned-roads-meddling-European-Union-try-shake-MOT-rules.html
  5. Do it the French way, sign up for everything then ignore it. They don't implement half the things we do, camembert and Brie in the cold compartments in the UK on the stone slab in France..... who has it right? Take a couple of minutes to sign this if you feel this legislation might yet bite HMV's. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/37784 It ahs a long way to go, 100,000 signatures ad at least our elected need to discuss it.
  6. Hmmm... blue wrappers? According to a couple of MEP's who have responded to questions this is a done deal in the EU parliament, to stand any chance of getting any kind of sensible deal we need to fight it here at home with the people we elected to serve our interests....... Yeah right:embarrassed:
  7. I came across this while having a clearout, anyone recognise it? I could not find any markings as it is a bit crusty....
  8. I would guess that the picture from the paper is from the same series, though the text seems to say it was taken later. The picture above shows all the empty secondary armament mounts, shame the negative was damaged. Some fantastic pictures on this site. ww1 four stacker at Milford Haven. http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/image/wpw006994?search=shipbreaking&ref=0
  9. I came across this and another picture taken 20 April 1949 http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/image/saw022477?filter=38632&ref=44 I have had a bit of a go at the first one. I feel I should know the one with the superstructure well back... I will go and google Warspite.....
  10. Fantastic! That could be the woodland of my youth, all the picture needs is a Matador lurking in the background for the big sticks.
  11. oops! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8umB9-xVwak
  12. If the following don't upload correctly I will e-mail them to you. Regards rog8811 recovery.pdf Tank transport.pdf
  13. From here http://www.combinedops.com/pluto.htm I find I was nearly correct, not road locomotives but ploughing engines with modified clip drums.
  14. Thr description is easy "Ball jointed bell crank," but the actual usage is a bit more difficult as most that you will see have replaceable ball ends....
  15. Am I right in thiking that at least one Fowler road locomotive was shipped over to haul the pipeline ashore?
  16. Welcome in, just be careful where you leave any of your vehicles in the club car park.... you should be safe under the wheelie bins;)
  17. I have had a look at what is on the back of the page...... I think it is a painting mask for hinges :-\
  18. In the scheme of things the "handle" is small so I am guessing this is designed for quite light work...... what work I have no idea at present, I shall ponder.... *Edit* Something a bomb aimer would use?
  19. A pair of Bedford MW's just coming off the A31 and joining the A331 outside Farnham at around 15:45 Monday.... Looking very nice!
  20. This freezing malarky has been going on since MS did a big update on XP, I finally solved the problem by rolling back my computer (seemed to work on its own for a while...) and then installing firefox. Everything now runs fine.
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