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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. is it softskin or armoured, i had a look at oz armoured cars but nothing looked the same as that. rick
  2. i know it's not buried or abandoned but i thought i'd put it up anyway, this is a range target at raf tain but don't worry about it being destroyed as all munitions used now are practice and contain no H.E. so it will last an awfully long time. who knows maybe we'll see it at beltring one day :cheesy:
  3. things are moving again "back at the ranch" after a bit of a lull due to the weather. the engine compartment sub assemblies are being prepped and painted ready for fitting as well as a few other small items but we're still waiting for the hull to be blasted which weather permitting could happen any day now. i'll be going to see bob later in the week and i'll take a few pics of the progress so far. rick
  4. picked up a few bits and bobs for the right money and got to meet a few movers and shakers all in all a good days outing rick
  5. my funniest moment was watching andy (ferrettkitt) driving my bren carrier round the back field, at first he was a little cautious so i encouraged him to put his foot down and give it some, i made the mistake of calling him a big girl for not driving faster and it acted like a red rag to a bull and he was off like a shot, he finally ended up at the shower area which was a mud bath due to water leaking from them. it was here that he span the carrier round and round with a manic expression on his face that made him look like the axe guy from the shining :nut: there was mud spraying everywhere, on the shower block, on me and on some guys champ that happened to be parked at the wrong place at the wrong time. i still smile now when i think back to it it's true that it's the quiet ones you have to watch. rick
  6. me and andy ( ferettkit) will be there for a mooch
  7. nice barra, a great addition to the collection and a really useful bit of kit, i saw a chap use a 434 crane to lift a 5 ton churchill turret and it did it with ease on tick over. rick
  8. i have the exhaust fishtails going spare, if you need them let me know. good luck with the resto rick
  9. i read about a chap that had a similar problem, he recommended heating the outer part of the drum which makes it expand thus breaking the bond between shoe and drum, then leave it to cool for an hour and it should come off but let me say that i've not tried it so i couldn't guarantee it works. there is another way which is easier and i'd try it first if i were you. get the biggest heaviest wagon you can lay your hands on and hook it up with a straight bar to the dukw and rock it back and forth and see what happens good luck with it rick
  10. you put on great show last year stu, shame it won't happen again at the ponderosa but if you do manage to put on a show of your own i'm sure it will be just as good
  11. very nice, let me know if you need the sighting telescope for it. rick
  12. ref the valentine if he won't sell it do you think he would do a swap for a loyd carrier and a weasel, i'd be prepared to pay for the shipping
  13. don't worry fella's i'm on the case and plan to recover it before summer. it's location was passed onto me last year by another forum member who cannibalised it for parts many moons ago to aid another loyd restoration. i then gave alastair the rough location and he somehow managed to pinpoint it and get the pics from the landowner, which is no mean fete and i take my hat off to him. cheers i plan to restore it sometime in the future but until then it will be made available for alastair to help his restoration. rick ps. the next recovery is an m29 weasel sitting in a welsh ravine
  14. hi adrian it can't be finished soon enough for me but as you are well aware these things don't always go to plan but it'll come together and when it does i hope i can get a little payback aswell.:cool2: all the best rick
  15. just can't help thinking that it's all going to end in tears for the uk
  16. that's the trouble with recovery training, they always have to put them in a sodding pond :mad: nice pics, cheers rick arte et marte
  17. it's time for a little payback from your investment happy new year rick
  18. alastair please put me down as a member of the loyd group, i can also help with the brake drums as i have a full set off a fordson 7v which you are welcome too. rick
  19. keep the updates coming. all the best for the new year rick
  20. nice way to spend a day :cool2:. if it were me i'd take a jack hammer to break up the ground beneath the tracks if it needs it, i'd also try to tow it out before i split the track. you never know with a bit of rocking back and forth it might come out and roll on it's tracks ok, towing it around with the track still on is the quickest and easiest way to free it up, trust me when i say i've learned that the hard way. whatever you decide good luck with it and merry xmas. all the best rick
  21. hi adrian it's looking good, real good. i read the article in CMV and it really is a nice job, i particulary liked the shiny ammo. it's no small undertaking, the restoration of an empty hull and it's a credit to the guys that rebuilt it and to your perseverance and commitment. some would say that with the price of ww2 armour being so high these days that it's a pure money making enterprise and that you've ended up with a small fortune which is true but only because you started off with a large one :-D. restoring tanks is a great big money pit and is something that not many are willing to undertake. so i salute you and look forward to the day i can drive my cromwell into the arena with your achilles. all the best rick ps. my grandad was a desert rat and so was i. good choice !
  22. danny don't know if it'll come good for you but there was a guy on milweb that was pulling stuff off the belgian ranges and selling it on, he had a preist so it's possible that more than one was on the range. he called himself "army cars germany" i think. ajmac bought his loyds from him so he'll have his contact details if you want to give it a try. all the best rick
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