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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. i got the call yesterday to say i'd got 2 dafs that i bid on, trouble is i only wanted 1 :-D rick
  2. "WATCHOUT the Brits are coming....." that's the spirit jack :thumbsup:
  3. keep 'em coming :thumbsup:
  4. i think most of the crocodiles that you see around now came from pounds yard in portsmouth back in the eighties, if you want a crocodile then it's still possible to find them but only if you contact a museum and make an offer. with things being the way they are at the moment it would be a good time for a museum to release an assett or two to raise funds so you might be in with a chance as to value i would expect to pay £30k+ for a fairly complete but unrestored vehicle. failing that you could try the cadmans or nigel montgomery as they have probably got 15 between them. there is one other avenue open which is to recover a range wreck but i don't know how feasible that is with all the health and safety issues that seem to be in place at the moment but anything's possible if you keep at it. as it happens a friend of mine sold his mk7 churchill last month to another collector so you could have a shot at that although it's too late now but it does go to show that they do still come up now and again. as for my churchill i only paid £3.5k for it 2 years ago which basically equates to it's scrap value which is understandable if you've ever seen it :blush: but it's a start. good luck with hunt rick ps. the churchill is the daddy
  5. welcome to the forum, you sound like my kinda guy rick
  6. it's always nice to hear from an A mech that can read and write twist to open rick ps. welcome to the forum
  7. i think it will take more than custard creams, you'd have to be holding his knackers to ransom :-D
  8. great progress on the humber. :thumbsup: i feel a hmvf sponsored trip to denmark in the offing, maybe jack would fund it if we asked him nicely rick
  9. welcome to the forum jim, i hope your posts continue to be as good as the ones you've posted so far all the best rick
  10. sorry jon but i've got enough scrap iron of my own to be getting on with but if you have a specific question then i'll try to answer it. rick
  11. me and my mate chris are both ex reme, i was a vm and he was an ece tech. we both live in gee cross and have done a fair bit with armour over the years. rick
  12. the dorchester was on my list aswell :cool2: probably a good thing that it's already gone as i've got enough rusty wagons to keep me going for a while. thanks for the update john rick
  13. pulled these pics of ross's yard from the mlu forum, taken i think in 2003, you can see a reo in the background
  14. thanks for taking the time to reply, i'll send them an email and see if anything comes of it. nothing ventured, nothing gained ! cheers rick
  15. ok now you've got me interested :cool2: do you think it would be possible to recover them or has the yard been built on and if it is possible what do you think the chances are of the guys that own the yard letting us go and get them. i'm going up to scotland next week so i could drop in then, let me know what you think. cheers rick
  16. the pleasure was all mine :thumbsup:
  17. don't worry hanno i won't help myself to any sherman turrets :angel: it's supertrack you have to careful of ! johann do you need a turret for your sherman ? have you seen this ad from milweb there's a guy in spain casting them from new, click on the link to see his details. http://www.milweb.net/dealers/trader/wwiistuff/
  18. nice carrier but who's that devilishly handsome chap at the back of it funnily enough a freind of mine restored a waco glider a few years back. i think it went to duxford but i could be wrong. rick
  19. adrian any chance you could put up a couple of pics for us. cheers
  20. i'm sure no one would miss a turret or two if they were to disappear one dark night
  21. hows this for buried tanks ! 84 shermans and rams buried as cold war defences for the arnhem and nijmegan bridges. how many are left is anyones guess but it's possible that they all survived as they were buried in concrete.
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