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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. cut the guy a bit of slack, he might have been trying to raise awareness of the sacrifices made, he might also have just been showboating for a bit of attention. who knows. rick
  2. just checked the surviving panzer comet list and it is the parola comet, it's the 4th from last. for anyone that's not aware of the excellent surviving panzer site click on this link http://the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers.html enjoy rick
  3. bob it's a good thing that so many chieftains are on the range it means that instead of being cut up for scrap 20 years ago many will be removed and saved in the future by idiots like me who want to preserve our armoured heritage, although i would like to think that somebody else will take up the challenge as i've enough scrap to be getting on with rick
  4. i think the chieftain turret might have slid off rather than have been blown off, maybe one too many hits on the turret ring from an anti tank round helped it on it's way but it could have been arty it's hard to say without taking a proper look at the damage as for the comet it has been hit with infantry antitank rounds but it's hard to say which as all the shaped charge munitions leave the same 20mm size hole but it could be a law 66 or milan, although that's just a guess i suppose you could have a look on line to see what the weapon of choice was for the finns. rick
  5. parola springs to mind, i think i saw this pic on the surviving panzer website but i'm not 100% sure
  6. sorry jack, too much testosterone. it's a side effect of prolonged exposure to ww2 british armour (the yank stuff sends you the other way) :-D
  7. if it's a tent then it's got to have a pole, how about utilizing said pole :cool2: put that in the box aswell rick
  8. forget the beer tent, how about a couple of strippers and a comedian (or failing that The world of tanks girls) :wow: on second thoughts we're definately going to need the tent for the performance.:-D one for the suggestions box rick
  9. OK, it's time i stepped in and stopped this sherman lovers tiff, you're both driving model t's compared to my rolls royce. we all know the cromwell will be the star of the show, it is a far superior vehicle when compared to your yank rubbish in every way, that is of course as long as you don't take into account, firepower, armour, reliability, ease of production and longevity but apart from that it's all good. rick
  10. hi paul there's a couple of fella's in the north east with carriers but i'm not sure whether they're on the road yet but you could always ask them. the place for carrier owners is www.mapleleafup.net good luck rick
  11. the seller is john from saracen exports in stafford, i had a look at a t16 he was selling last year and managed to have a quick butchers at the halftrack, he's also got a few 88's in the next field to go with it :wow: rick
  12. i've been a bit lazy with the updates but like i said we're coming to the good stuff soon so know doubt i'll keep on top of it more than i have been. as for the track guard the old one was a little bent out of shape so bob had a new made, personally i would have straightened the old one but that's because i'm a tight wad and the thought of parting with my hard earned almost brings a tear to my eye but i know to trust bob and go with whatever he says. rick
  13. last few that will bring me up to date with the progress so far but like i said we should start moving on again now so there'll be more to follow soon. the middle 3 show the traversing mechanism, the 2 silver ones are from the charioteer and the bronze one is from the centaur, although a similar shape the charioteer mechanism is much larger and stronger due to the added strain of traversing a 20 pdr gun rick
  14. hi fellas the cromwell's been put on a bit of a back burner while i got on with the task of trying to make a little bit of money so things haven't moved on as fast have they have been but we're back on track now so it will begin to move again. the besa mount is the main bit of restoration that's happened most recently and it really does make a difference to the overall appearance. i must admit i'm really looking forward to the next phase of the restoration as we're nearly at the point where the assemblies can go back on again and it will once more look like a tank . there's quite a few pics of the resto that i haven't posted yet so i'll put those up now, as for the engine it has been rebuilt and i have youtube footage and loads of pics but can't get them on the forum due to me being a bit of a spaz when it comes to techno stuff but rest assured i'll get someone else to do it soon. here's a few random pics that i've hopefully not posted before.
  15. think i've got 2 rear rubber mounts for the gearbox, put up a pic of what you want and i'll see if it's the right one for you, if it is then you can have it. rick
  16. great thread thanks for taking the time to post up your season's pics. i liked them all cheers rick
  17. making life as easy as possible right at the start by moving any assemblies that get in the way is a good way to go about it. good luck with it i hope it doesn't give you too many headaches. i've always liked the arv, it just looks right. rick
  18. i'll be going and i'll probably drag andy (ferretkit) along aswell. rick
  19. the police must have taken the theft very seriously to go to those lengths. i certainly didn't think they'd ever see the guns again. well done the police rick
  20. excellent detailed technical thread, the sort of thing the next guy to have a crack at a detroit could use. cheers rick
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