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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. no need to be shy maurice, we're all friends here !
  2. don't worry you'll get to see it one day. hopefully it will be ready for beltring ! it's also booked in for it's debut at the yorkshire wartime experience on the 22nd-24th june but i'm not sure that it will be running by then but it could still go as a static display. we'll see rick
  3. not going to happen i'm afraid, still waiting for the hull to be sandblasted.
  4. any help with costs would be appreciated by all tank owners i'm sure.
  5. might take you up on that offer bob and sooner than you think !
  6. bob you're a man after my own heart, i too have the armour on biville on my google earth along with many, many other range areas. i know i can't have them all but there's no harm in trying :cool2: rick
  7. that's enough armour to keep 10 men busy :wow:
  8. did it come from a mutual friend of ours in wigan. glad it's coming together. have you had any luck with the tracks ? as for me nothing much is happening with the cromwell as i'm still waiting for the sandblasting but there's a rumour that it could be done this week although i won't get my hopes up just yet. rick
  9. i'll do my bit on the the pan bashing, just don't ask me to cook and please keep the food covered at night time ! i had a couple of mates who broke into the cookhouse one night looking for a midnight feast, which they found but they also had the bright idea of peeing in the large pan of beans that the chefs had left out ready for the morning. when we were all at breakfast the next day they laughed all the way through it until we'd finished and that was when they told us :undecided: a belting prank, i could tell you of a few more but the mods would delete them. anyway please keep the beans out of sight rick
  10. well done mate, another little piece of history has been saved. :thumbsup:
  11. nice find on the flathead, this could be the year it starts to take shape and look like a vehicle instead of 2 ton of parts . i just hope you have enough time to get stuck into it without being torn between the carrier, work and family speaking from my own experience juggling everything is the hardest part but then i suppose most of us are in the same boat/carrier rick
  12. absolutely whole heartedly agree with your sentiments, hear hear.
  13. i joined the army straight from school at the tender age of 16. after several months of basic training my mind thought i was a muscle bound god and i strutted around as such but my body was still 9 stone soaking wet so the rest of the guys nicknamed me eddy8men because i thought i had the body of 8 men. still it could have been worse they could have called me dick ! i use my real name now because when i meet other forum members i couldn't remember what name i had told them and things were getting confusing and it doesn't take much to confuse me. rick
  14. my cromwell will be making it's debut appearance at the show and everyone is welcome to clamber all over it and in it (if you can fit that is). unfortunately i will be at A&E with the carrier so you won't have the pleasure of my company but that's never been considered a bad thing gonna be a great show shame i'll miss it but there's always next year. rick
  15. don't scrap anything that could feasibly have some use, as you never know when it might be needed
  16. after a request for info on german wrecks i thought i'd bump this thread again and maybe get some more info on what's still out there. any guys still serving that have seen ww2 wrecks still on the training areas ? rick
  17. :-D my problem's not missing out on stuff, it's buying too much. buy now think later
  18. the average squaddie is a hero in war and a rogue in peacetime.
  19. good luck with the resto. do you have the besa mount ? i have a lead on one if needed rick
  20. nice pics but you are wise to keep the location hush hush or some beggar might go round and rob those wheels to use on his centaur :cool2:!!! rick
  21. thanks for the heads up, i just bought 2 dafs and i'll check them out before i run them up. cheers rick
  22. hi alastair that engine looks pretty wasted did you manage to use anything off it
  23. there's a great big hole in the front of my centaur that would look much better with that besa mount stuck over it
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