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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. I would contact the public relations at the UN in the US and UK. tell them you are restoring a vintage vehicle with UN livery. see what response you get as in some ways you are doing a good deed for them, preserving their history. if they be prats about the whole thing maybe restoring it to Sudan militia standards (which are opposite UN)
  2. I will quote Andy's comment, as he summed it up, A true friend indeed !
  3. fesm_ndt


    http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world/drain-cleaner-removed-from-shelves-after-exploding-in-grandmothers-face/story-e6frfkui-1225887660038 I suppose should also add most oven cleaners consist of paint stripper chemicals so have been horific burns on that front also
  4. G'Day from a former convict destination colony
  5. how far from your house? My junkyards are 2 hours away... reminds me I should have gone there today :cry: those armoured cars would be nice doing the rounds as almost look sporty :cool2:
  6. Normally something is only considered radioactive if it exceeds a specified rate. So if it does not exceed the specified rate it should be acceptable. Many items are radiactive but don't have flashing lights and bells around them i.e. gauges (already mentioned), smoke alarms (thats why it is not good to pull them apart, or kids eat them ), Iroquois intake casings (a pet hate) etc etc It may not be emitting as the shell of the component may be sufficient to shield it. So if its not broken open its safe. So just need to find the limits of where you are going. I would think in the long term if you dont need those bits I would be replacing them with something else as they may corrode and puncture. You need to get the hard facts as whenever you mention radioactive and even magnetism, public servant's and desk sitter's auto response is always 'NO'. Mostly because they don't have a clue. If you PM where you are taking it or where it is I may be able to get the regulations for that coutry but most follow the ICRP (International Commission of Radiological Protection). Normally there will be an exemption table.. I was going to post the table in here but its in word, so too many words. I'll try to pdf it as also has one for gauges, watches etc.
  7. nope thats an autogyro not a helicopter......... claymores and grenades... when I threw my first grenade in the Army I was not that impressed with the little bang after all the war movies I had seen
  8. Where Eagles Dare - even as a kid I knew there was no helicopters flying around secret German castles during WW2 :angry Always iritated me.
  9. We normally leave the doors shut when we aint in the vehicle as we have 9 other more poisionous snakes, plus the spiders
  10. keeping all your disassembled pieces in some type of order is also a must. You can use, boxes, tins, bags etc. All sounds obvious but this was just posted in another forum I am in and I thought it was very clever as he has hung the bags on a board. http://lightweightlandroverclub.org/phpbb/download.php?id=1946&f=8 a better idea than digging through boxes of stuff looking for some 'special' bolt, pin etc.
  11. :D yes I can relate to that. I can be very patient at times but sometimes you need stress relief. I would have liked to have seen the pictures
  12. G'Day not a bad part of the world to be in. Get lots of MUTTS up there to. I nearly bought one for 60000 baht several years ago but the ex complained, perhaps thats why she got promoted to ex.
  13. looks like you will be able to do friend and foe ww1 renactments
  14. Apologies, I been travelling too much so I have yet to dig them out of the box. But thought I would say will most likely be in UK August 'ish' so I'll bring them over. I will be going to Cambridge so either post from there or figure something else out.
  15. Maybe I am a flowchart kind of guy but I like to map out the steps I am going to take...... but at least you can see your progress and what you need each step. I tried software this time but never felt right.... Also take heaps of photos as later on you will be asking how does this bit go back in. oops almost forgot be paitient, if a bolt or screw dont come out, leave it and battle with it later. My flowchart... more filled in boxes now but revision 8 :nut: [ATTACH]29938[/ATTACH]
  16. Well being a Sunday, got some work done, finally after being away so long P93 nose off with a bit of sanding in between other battles (with ugly Hicom badge) [ATTACH]29914[/ATTACH] The P93 front radiator lip differs from the P90 (below :banghead:) [ATTACH]29916[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]29917[/ATTACH] My new balljoint splitter (garunteed to go off with a bang each time) but works good [ATTACH]29913[/ATTACH] The P93 frame bolts oiled up (for next weekend) [ATTACH]29915[/ATTACH] Speedo drive unit with damaged gears [ATTACH]29912[/ATTACH]
  17. :shocked: no way!! you have us hooked now, get those pictures and rebuilding going
  18. can't believe no-one has not yet suggest AntarlessMike but in all seriousness, I'd stick with your antarmike as I am too easily confused
  19. I thought you sold the Pinz??? How's the beast running? My Pinz rebuild is tucked away in here as my rebellion against the secret keepers (got 3 now :embarrassed:). I still like Zubrowka :beer::dancinggirls:
  20. Definately different to the cross section I was physically given to look at many years ago as the one I looked at had a 2mm triangle of air at the pointy end. Again as you said things change, I am also not sure if it was a Aussie made one or a Belgium one as at the time the Minimi was being trialled. Which brings back another memory of them doing a diasassembly and the firing pin flew out, so obvious thought was 'can that happen in a field strip'
  21. Ours did. Always sticks in my mind as was against some convention to use dum dum rounds but a little triangle of empty space under the copper jacket was acceptable. Not sure if still current but was the construction in 1987. As for squaddies moaning sometimes it is legit but also sometimes the media makes mountains out of molehills as a big story can be made from nothing as all the fingers can point back to the government (always a desirable target). So seeing the thread was about 'junk' the UK MOD bought: - what would the worst vehicle purchased by the MOD of been? - will the RB44 ever be looked back on with fondness?
  22. another rebuild thread :yay:
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