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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. Armour rebuilds always good threads :-D
  2. When I was doing a rebuild in the UK the major whinges were the lousy cold weather and the price of petrol. In Malaysia it's stinking hot, cobra's and monkey prints in the wet paint. Something new today....... :mad: a monkey took a dump on the drivers side floor Suppose could have been worse, it could have been on the dash or floor
  3. I got the same email [ATTACH=CONFIG]48436[/ATTACH]
  4. Weird I find new ones of these all the time. It's like they bought too many or don't break as I seen them in another yard also
  5. Some more bits: NOS Land Rover dizzy [ATTACH=CONFIG]48404[/ATTACH] Fancy cleaning cans [ATTACH=CONFIG]48405[/ATTACH] A box of Pinz bits [ATTACH=CONFIG]48403[/ATTACH] then mystery item, 24V armature. I saw a few of these and the box was old, any ideas???? [ATTACH=CONFIG]48402[/ATTACH]
  6. Spent the whole day repairing toolbins. Although I have around 10 laying around the yard, even the best 4 required some type of repairs [ATTACH=CONFIG]48376[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]48375[/ATTACH]
  7. Back in the old days when having a drink and driving was more the norm, a mate and I were travelling through some valley roads and the accelerator cable snapped on his TC Ford Cortina I figured this out in whilst fumbling around under the bonnent I chucked my leg over the wing and told him to stick it in drive and I cranked the throttle and then proceeded to drive around 15km's back to base. I remember when we got to base I nonchantly announced the vehicle id number as we passed through the gate. My mate said he sobered up instantly as he had to just steer and was paranoid to touch the brakes, lest I fly off. The daft things, I did when young :nut:, 'rebel without a clue'.
  8. I am in Malaysia so not close. Never got to scotland as yet
  9. I found this tale http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_historical_exchange_rates I guess when thinking about it what was £76.50 in 1956 worth in the UK and Japan. I guess about a fortnights pay in the UK??? (now it is a tank of petrol) So I can understand why nobody would think it was adequate compensation as even if you equated it to 1940's it was most likely a months salary or even two ut that dont equate to anything like 3 years
  10. The long range missile systems, wasn't it AAMRAM (??) was mysteriously sabotaged after the revolution and they could never get it working. From memory they stuck some soviet stuff on there and have a credible history. With driving in Tehran there are two types of drivers, windows down and windows up. Windows up are placid and can't drive. Windows down so when they cut someone off they can yell insults at the others imcompetent driving. Definately not for the faint hearted. Also the road death toll is the highest in the world, a bit like nascar with traffic lights.
  11. Also a lot of interesting Land Rover, reverse engineering The wikipedia site on the Chieftain 'upgrade' seems more propaganda than anything tangible. But I guess that is to be expected.
  12. I often get asked why I am wandering around Pattaya Beach in Thailand wearing coveralls and is always a laugh when I say I am getting paid to go there
  13. oops yep F14's :blush: late night last night Yes very interesting as to keep something so complicated flying with no spares support was an amazing feat. The story about the missile sabotage is also interesting. There is a couple of very good Iranian Airforce websites set up by ex officers that were purged. 'reverse engineering' - funny as the most common car on the road two years ago was Hillman Hunters as after the revolution the factory was taken over.
  14. Are any of them still operational? They are fairly industrious as last time I looked they still has several F15's flying even though tech support and spares were stopped a loooooong time ago.
  15. I'm a bit slow on the uptake on this thread as only just seen it today :blush: For some odd reason I was thinking the same thing the other day, perhaps after looking at Eddy's swiss cheese Cromwell and also saw it metioned that carriers have a particuliar armour surface profile. I guess welding up the holes is fairly easy, but the subsequent ginding leaves an distintive surface. Was thinking is it possible to: - use dental putty to do a profile replica - spray on spray putty and roll the profile over it Sorry these are the mad and delusional ideas that occur when I dont sleep :shocked:
  16. They're great for working on vehicles in the UK as are a bit thicker so warmer in the chill [ATTACH=CONFIG]47869[/ATTACH] Damn hot over here though. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47870[/ATTACH] I need to pick up another pair on my next trip to UK
  17. I was lucky enough to be look over the NASA one many years ago when it was in Australia.I always liked the down viewing periscope idea of navigation as compasses dont work at that altitude and GPS wasnt around.
  18. The light stone colour shows up every fingerprint so I figured a new colour (MoD Green) might be better [ATTACH=CONFIG]47711[/ATTACH]
  19. Also if you got wave marks you can typically trace it back to the initiation point.
  20. sad news..... condolensenses to family and friends
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