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Everything posted by berna2vm

  1. I love this project. I love the Schwimmwagen,maybe the coolest small vehicle of ww2... What does a clean original fetch?
  2. This is going to be a stunning vehicle when it is completed. Keep up the good work.
  3. There are lots of them in Iraq, just get your mates to bring you one back:idea:
  4. Hi Michael, welcome to the madhouse, Tovarich. Best of luck with the licence. Richard.
  5. Me too,it is nice to see a blend of machinery at shows.
  6. The problem with Facebook is that you bare your soul for all and sundry to view. The other half is deeply into it and I think it is incredible what people post!
  7. That is a little like saying that there is not many Sherman tanks about because the Tigers destroyed many of them. My ex's father was involved in an action in Italy once when while advancing upon a Tiger 1,every tank in his command( 8) was incapacitated by a lone tank. He was lucky,he survived. Ironically when we discussed the war he always described it as 'bloody exciting'... Top man!
  8. This is rather a shame,but at many forties events this year I have seen that on the advertisement it has stated 'Only allied uniforms,no axis will be admitted'. Maybe this discrimination has something to do with this situation... Many of the owners may like to wear costume befitting their vehicle? I like to see all types of uniform. Sometimes it is a little dull when EVERYONE is dressed as a GI....
  9. I sincerely hope you are wrong Rlangham.Unfortunately I think you are spot on with this assessment. The government should assist with the restoration of historic assets such as this. I would prefer them using my hard earned tax money in this manner rather than feeding and housing asylum seekers and pledging money to Africa......!!!
  10. Wow I had no idea that soldiers could be so beautiful... In answer to your question,I would be more likely to elope with them ( AWOL !)than shoot them..Some of them are seriously gorgeous :iloveyou:.
  11. Good training and a steady hand saved the day. Top man...
  12. Wow,I had no idea the BAOR used these machines.... Very impressive...
  13. I have used the Berna to go to and from work (23 miles)a few times but compared with the Volvo S60 T5 it does,nt stack up well (52 mph vs 1## mph, 12mpg vs 30mpg no aircon or cruise..). But it does have more personality. When they finish the speedcamera installations on the route to work it may make more sense!!:confused:
  14. The FH 70 is cool. Looking at the picture of the Bedford RL,I forgot how handsome they were... My father always refers to them as S types....(Civvy version!)
  15. Paulob,you are very fortunate!!! Where do you keep all these beautiful beasts?
  16. Yes I thought it would be at the end of the first world war. If it was later it would have included Stalingrad, Berlin etc. A beautiful work.
  17. Very poignant,and puts things in perspective really. When was this written?
  18. Hi there,welcome to the forum.I am sure someone will know of one for sale. Have you tried Milweb? I live in Yorkshire too Best regards, Richard.
  19. Wow Sandro,what a workshop....Nice to see the 2DM in the background!!!
  20. Hi there,are these engines a side valve design like most Continental engines or are they overhead valve like some of the more modern designs?
  21. You are indeed a very brave man! That would cost a fortune(in the pub!):-D
  22. Tony,just a couple of points. This is not about a comparison between U.S. and British vehicles,this is just a debate about which your favourite British/Canadian vehicle is. I do not agree with your opinion of any American vehicle being superior to any British truck. Take the Matador for example,do you honestly believe a CCKW Jimmy is a better vehicle? Diesel engine v petrol, air brakes v hydraulic. I know of vehicles still working everyday with the original engine! I like all the vehicles from this era and I am negotiating the purchase of a Jimmy,maybe an equal but certainly not superior. Please Tony, don't be narrow minded...:tup::
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