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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. It seems to depend on the size of vehicle and where they put the engine and gearbox. Smaller tracked AFVs, CVRT, FV430, M113 etc have the drive sprocket at the front. Heavier AFVs, Chieftain, Challenger 1/2, M1 Abrams etc have the sprocket at the rear. I guess this just depends on where the steering box or gearbox is. The lighter vehicles have it at the front, heavier at the rear. AS90 and Warrior are heavy vehicles, with the box at the front as space is needed at the rear, so the sprocket is at the front. All the vehicles have track tensioners. Chris
  2. I can't help with the Cent stuff, but there's nothing complex about the radio installation in a Sabre. Mine's put away for the winter now, so can't take any photos. Basically you need 2 353 radios, these mount on the tray in the centre at the rear of the turret. Each radio has a TUAAM and ARFAT. If you can get hold of a 353 radio manual it will show you how to connect it all up. Only have a photo of the radios in the Fox at the moment, but the idea is the same. Chris
  3. Rick, My Ferret came from Withams, straight out of the MoD. It hadn't had a civilian owner to abuse it, it had also done 590 miles since rebuild in 1972, therefore the mechanicals were in good order. I have had to rebuild a gearbox for the Fox, it's not quite as scary as everyone would have you believe. Chris
  4. Yes, it should say 'Truck, 1/2 Ton, FFR, Series 3' on the dataplate.
  5. Rick, have a look on my website (link below) - I have a video of my rebuild. They are not too bad if you look after them properly. Chris
  6. Rick, There is a lot of information on Ferrets on the web. Try these links: - http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/lsm/dhmg/ferret.html - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ferret-heaven/ (Join the group - I'll approve you - then read through the message archives) Chris
  7. Hi Tony, I'll try and bring the Wolf down this year. Chris
  8. If anyone wants to build a replica of this truck, I have a very good copy of this body which is no longer required. Chris
  9. Parabolic springs are a special kind of leaf spring. The standard leaf springs are heavy duty, have several leaves and give a harsh ride. It's even worse when they are 25 years old and rusty. Parabolic springs have a lot less leaves, usually 2, and give a much more comfortable ride due to the design. I have them on my Lightweight and there is quite a difference. http://www.parabolicspring.com/parabolic.htm Chris
  10. For parts try the following: http://www.lrseries.com http://www.paddockspares.com http://www.johncraddockltd.co.uk You need the RSN12Y spark plugs, they can be expensive. Usually you see them for around £5 a piece. Marcus Glenn, Richard Banister etc sell them. Alternativley you can swap the leads for civvy ones and by the civvy plugs for 97p each. Chris
  11. Yes I noticed that the Mk 2 was the same one, I guessed this was the one Rick was interested in. Also noticed that (expensive) Ferret Marcus has for sale wasn't that great when it went through the tender.
  12. I can only see a Mk 4 being broken. All marks have the same hull, the Mk 4 has different wheel stations, wings, bins etc. The escape hatches will also be different as no spare wheel is carried.
  13. http://www.champ-sparesukltd.com/ You can get most bits, either new or reproduction. Back axles are a problem though.
  14. Rick, You'd need to find someone who is breaking one for bits like the escape hatches. There aren't anywhere near as many Ferret parts about as there were a few years ago when I did mine, but things do turn up from time to time. Chris
  15. I have recently been in touch with a former crewman of our Spartan, he served on it when it belonged to C Flight, 1 Sqn RAF Regiment at RAF Laarbruch in Germany. He sent over these photos today, I thought they might interest some of you. (He assures me it is the one in the air!) Chris
  16. John, I am failry sure it belonged to Berni, but she hasn't been on here for a long time. Chris
  17. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Account-Stewardship-War-Time-Activities-Vauxhall/dp/B001FT24HW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1227565945&sr=8-1 Ouch!
  18. Where else were MWs used? The MWR which I am taking to bits has 3 coats of paint, the original factory green, sand, and then deep bronze green. The sand paint seems to have been applied on everything, including all the hard to reach places. The truck is a late 44, early 45. Any ideas? Chris
  19. Tony, of Plain Military has organised 2 trips to the Plain, you need to spend more time reading the messages on here! :nono:
  20. They've been selling those for about 4 years!
  21. The other one is here: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=DE5+3JG&ie=UTF8&ll=53.042877,-1.398418&spn=0.002361,0.006845&t=h&z=18 Chris
  22. I regularly visit both Anchor depots, but rarely find anything worth buying these days.
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