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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. The white paint on the interior of CVRTs is a polyurethane paint. I used some bilge paint I got from the local marina, it's made by International Paints, called Danboline. I did the bottom of my Sabre with this. http://marinestore.co.uk/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_code=PLYMA100-750X&Category_code=international-paint-finishes It will have been white when painted, but probably went cream after a few years of spilt oil. Chris
  2. It doesn't matter what OS you're using, it depends on which BIOS you have. It's usually DEL or F1. Chris
  3. The give away is the brackets, where his computer program inserts the title of every advert on milweb when it trawls through the site. This is why email addresses shouldn't be published on a site like that.... Chris
  4. Cable select means the position on the IDE cable determines if it is master or slave. It's been a while since I messed about with these so I can't remember which position on the cable is master. Not sure what DS stands for, but it means you use the jumper to set the master or slave. Chris
  5. It looks like it's set to cable select from the photos. If you want it to be a slave remove the jumper, if you want it to be a master move the jumper one to the left. You can change the boot order in the BIOS to make sure it boots from another drive first. Chris
  6. These guys are good for display plates... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230211865497&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=013 Chris
  7. At least you got one, still not got ours yet!
  8. I had to do this on the Wolf as I had no keys. There is an article somewhere on the internet how to do it, I'll see if I can find it. Basically if you look at the new lock there's a pin which when pressed in will release it. Try to locate where the pin is on the door handle assy, then you need to drill through it to expose the pin and press it down with something small and sharp. It's quite easy, but you need to be spot on with where you drill the hole. Chris
  9. If they let you arrive after 10pm! This year the booking in closed around then, and the Polish secret police security guards would not let anyone past. Some friends arrived at about 10:05pm and were told they would need to sleep in the car untill the next morning. Luckily about 50 other people arrived in the next 20mins and Rex had to come and open the booking in tent.
  10. For Metric bolts you can try Screwfix, we have a trade counter and you can get most sizes there cheaply. For Imperial you'll need to find a local fastener supplier, and hope he's in a good mood when you turn up. Chris
  11. In that case, yes, they are bolts. M6 on a Wolf.
  12. Mark, What do you have? You need to have the brackets attached to your tub. Then you drop the side stalk into the bracket, and attach it with the side arm locking bolt. Chris
  13. Mark, See here... http://www.emlra.org/C&S%20Barrow%20index/vehicle_parts.htm Chris
  14. sirhc

    New home..

    Yes.. they were never MoD vehicles, so never had MoD plates.
  15. sirhc

    New home..

    No, I'm fairly sure that Withams had the lot and they were being replaced with something newer. Can't find the article now though.
  16. sirhc

    New home..

    Went for... all gone now!
  17. I don't think they came from the US, more like South America.
  18. Nope, the British never had anything to do with the M113.. it's 100% American.
  19. I suppose you might be right there, but isn't the hatch on the Spartan turret just the same as the one normally fitted next to the cupola? Anyway back to the thread, I like the Scimitar XR3i Cosworth... nice spoiler.
  20. There's nothing on this thread that won't be in Janes, MMI, CMV or on the manufacturers websites. BTW it's a Spartan.
  21. David, Are they really kinetic? The kinetic ones are green and shiny. Standard ropes were also issued, these will be brown and matt. A photo would help us unravel your problem! Chris
  22. To replace the rear crossmember you'd need to cut the existing one off and weld a military one back on. You can buy a military one fairly easily, but it's a bit of a job!
  23. I just bought this book on Amazon for £0.01 - and there are more at this price if anyone wants a copy!
  24. Mike, If you bid using the paper form, and either hand it to them or fax it, you can list several lots and write a note saying this one or that one. I know it's not in the terms, but you can do it and lots of people do. Chris
  25. Does anyone recognise this? Does anyone need one? Chris
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