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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Smarties eh? Hmmm, you have to be very carefull with confectionary. NEVER eat a Marathon Bar (Now called Snickers for some weird reason!) whilst on the Toilet. Why? Because Marathon keeps you going, going, going!...................:cheesy:
  2. Yep, Get a copy of a user handbook for the L16.
  3. I got a Text from a Mate yesterday, I simply HAD to share it with you all. 'I got my Wife a pair of Meatloaf knickers today'. 'They have, 'Ill do Anything for Love' on the Front'. 'And, 'But I WONT do THAT!' on the Back!.......
  4. I reitterate: I was never issued one, nor ANY of my compatriots in the 1970's. There ARE a number of our members who are currently serving in the Army on this Forum. So, OK, Guys, HAVE you been issued an Army Housewife?...................:laugh: If so, then it WILL have an NSN if it was issued.......
  5. I joined in '74 & never got issued one then, neither did any of my compatriots. As far as Im aware, they are still not an issue item. You can However, buy one yourself from one of the Myriad of Survival & Military Clothing suppliers.
  6. Mike, Now you know what is what. Dont look back, look Forwards!..........
  7. You are correct, the pads were issued to be sewn on the knee area of standard issue combat trousers of the period. I had a few pairs of these myslef when i was serving. I found them usefull for my own personal issue of DPM Combats. Which i used to go game shooting in.
  8. Like Andy, I have never seen the original thread on this area Mike. All I can add is, 'Keep On Truckin'!.................
  9. Clive, 'Isnt modern technology wonderfull'? (When it works!)
  10. These Rubber Bump Stops are also used on MK 2/3 & 2/4 Ferrets as Turret Hatch Bump stops as well. They are the same componant. It MIGHT help if incorrectly catalogued on some spare suppliers computers!...
  11. Well, I think the bottom line here is. Because of the amount of these vehicles available at present. And because you cannot legally own one for usage on UK roads. The Majority of these may well end up in a scrapyard eventually as unsaleable for normal usage. Unless you had a museum, or large swathes of land to drive on. (Which the majority of us do not!) Or access to a Low Loader (Or the cash to be able to hire one regularly!) Then what would be the point in getting one to sit on your drive or in a large Shed? I think they will become a rarity in years to come as MOST (Not all) potential owners will go for something else that they CAN drive on a road. They will go the route of a LOT of other Ex military vehicles eventually. The Scrappies!.........Such a Shame.
  12. Somewhere in Monktons with a large group. But my display will be roped off seperately with blue rope. there will be a White flagpole with a REME Flag flying during the day (If it's not raining!) PM me for a Mobile number if you want to pin me down at the venue.
  13. Yes, your quite right. The gun, to be precise, Is ELECTRICALLY Driven. BUT, MECHANICALY Fired. This may sound confusing to some, but it is simple really. The Vehicles electrical system supplies Voltage to the guns 24v Motor. As the gun has a Chain in the system to drive the operating mech. The ACTUAL firing act is performed by a Mechanical Firing pin that strikes the percussion cap in the base of the round to fire it. So yes, with the safety switch set at safe the gun SHOULD not fire. BUT, there is indeed a round in the chamber if a live belt of Ammo is removed. Hence Tommo's comment of using a 'Dry Fire' Handle. This not quite quite accurate though. It's a MECHANICAL Operating Handle. IE: When fitted on the end shaft stub. You can MANUALY function cycle the Weapon. Any rounds remaing WILL be Mechanicaly fired. The term 'Dry Fire', is more correctly applied to ANY weapon that rotates through a complete operating cycle mechanicaly. WITHOUT using ANY live Ammo. IE: Cock, Feed, Lock, Fire, Unlock, Extract, Eject. INERT Drill Rounds Could be utilised in 'Dry Firing'.
  14. If you come & see my Display at W&P, I will have a genuine Deactivated L16 there. You can take as many Photos & ask as many questions as you like.
  15. Bazz, if that was the case. Then Bad Drills again! The Safety switch Isolates the firing circuit. The gun could 'Dry Fire' in this mode. IE: Fuction/cycle, but NOT fire. As the circuit SHOULD be open with the selctor switch as SAFE. :shocked:
  16. Jesus! I have know Chris for donkeys years! It really does make you sit up when it's someone you know well! :-(
  17. Andy, An original one that is unissued. usually would go from £65-£85 Quid. However, it does fluctuate in price, dependant on supply & demand!
  18. Mod Edit: Your coment has been removed after we recieved a complaint from Eddy Pinder which may lead to legal action being taken.
  19. Farmers used to Pay us whilst on Exercises in Germany to do that! (then they claimed for 'Exercise Damage'!- Manouver Schaden)
  20. And after all that Beer, looking Lustfully at a Fat Bottle Of Cider!........:cheesy:
  21. I cant say for sure about this, But. I read an article once about the chap who recovered the Tank stood at Slapton Sands as a war memorial. I recall, he had to contact the American embassy (I would think the Military Attache) & get permission to do this. Even though, it was in British waters. The reason being, all American Warlike Material/stores remain the Property of the US Government. Even though it was lend/lease assistance that they were sent to assist. (Something to do with a Contract for Aid with Articles of War) It was a legal thing but easily got around. I Believe he paid the US Government £1 for the Rights of ownership to be transfered to him! Basically a Paperwork Exercise, BUT. You HAVE to do things correctly here in the UK! (If your a Law abiding Citizen! ) otherwise, you could fall foul of some obscure regulation or some such legal problem. Bit of jumping through hoops really, But not impossible I would have thought? :cheesy: Good Luck with your Quest, & please do kep us ALL informed here!
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