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Petrol Prices again


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I have been noticing that Petrol prices are going up slowly again. The Shell station near me is one of the cheapest in the Reading area, but their prices for unleaded have been going up recently and it is now 86.9 a litre from it's lowest at 82.9. The increase has been slowly done, about 1p a week or two. Supermarkets are also increasing prices, with Morrisons at 87.9

Has anyone else seen this increase in their areas?

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And both Shell & BP have just announced record profits but we are told - on the radio the other day - that we must remember that we shouldn't complain about that because 75% of what we are paying at the pump is taxation imposed by the Government . Makes you feel so much better doesn't it ? :argh:

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noticed this fact, myself;.............think is, I've not heard the price of oil has gone up, to retailers, I mean...........


I guess 'grinning boy in no 10' has got to find the cash to prop up ...................................( fill in a name)


Note to Mods,...........not a political rant,........more an observation. :)

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Last I heard the price of oil per barrell was the lowest it had been for some time but when does the price of the finished product ever go down ?


Similar to the price of chips when taters were in short supply . Soon as there were new stocks again .............chips stayed just the same .


They managed to get us all to fork out well over a pound a litre a short time ago so they know that they can gradually push it back up again before we'll start to squeal again .

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Latest pice is $41.94 barrel for light,sweet crude, Brent is just over $47. This compares to nearly $150 at the peak last year, it beggars belief that they can still charge 5the present price. Must go for a lie down in a darkened room before I blow a fuse and/or get banned.

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As an employee of the oil retail business; I occasionally see an explanation of why the oil prices suddenly increase. The problems in Gaza were expected to affect supplies of crude, so that was the justification for a price hike.


The last excuse I heard was that city traders aren't dealing in crude so much now. Instead they are buying refined product and selling it back to the open market. Apparently some of the banks have jumped on the bandwagon too. The oil business is very corrupt; and no doubt Greedy Gordons newly acquired banks are in on this one. Brilliant idea......two lots of profit from a single product. Some for the ailing banks and more revenue from taxes. We sometimes get to hear of behind the scenes deals that the Government does with the major oil producers, like the one last year where they gave the big producers a tax concession to keep the price of diesel down to avoid upsetting the voters. We ended up selling diesel on our forecourts at a loss to compete with the big boys, and retain our customers. No doubt that is another reason why BP made such a big profit. They used the tax concession as intended, and upped the price of petrol to help compensate for the profit reduction on diesel.


The oil business is so corrupt. Cartel laws don't seem to apply to them. The Government turn a blind eye to what goes on, mainly because you don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. :angry

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Interesting stuff there mate,We should just go without for a week see what that does to the price,people have the power but never use it.and each generation uses it less.:-(

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