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Moving away from the traditional run shows?


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I still think about Bolero because it was so magical and I think mainly because I met Jack, Joris, Lee, Jessie the Jeepster, Clive and so many others and we all had a brilliant time doing something unique. It was a 'one off' to my mind.


Beltring means the world to me. I had a great but exhausting time this year doing the event snaps. But they are brilliant times because I can be there with my son James and more or less go wild. Obviously this year was even more special because of the Plank, but it was fantastic meeting up with so many friends off the forum and I did agree to buy an MV....


So I want variety. I'd like to do runs and static shows. I hope never to miss the Bunker Bash or Beltring and I would like to do the Plains. I now have the MUTT, so a PW run would be fantastic for me because it is so practical....


Variety is the spice of life. All I need to do is actually turn up when I say I will :coffee:

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The Plains Trip's gathering of vehicles at Zulu Crossing certainly looked impressive as I trundled past a top of a White Halftrack back in May this year!


I would love to attend next year, committments allowing - But i'm not making any firm plans for any events in 2009 - even Normandy, as I feel that a six month old baby is going to be keeping my social calendar fairly fallow!

We took our eldest when he was 6 months old over to France. I hardly ever saw him as he was bust being passed around all the people there! (all of whom were men, seeing them all going gooey over our son was brilliant!) you do have to be organised though and make sure you always have snacks available for the babba.
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I for one enjoy doing a variety of different shows for the different things they offer.


I liked the layout, the bunker and friendliness of the bunker bash. I enjoyed the random sprawl of vehicles at the IOW 40's weekend, being told specifically not to park in lines. I really enjoy the arena at Beltring, the driving on the plains trip and the organisation and informality of MM (well done guys!). Nice sized arena too. How about a knife edge for next year, so we can show off the armour? Oh, not forgetting the entertainment and excellent showers at Overlord!

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How about a knife edge for next year, so we can show off the armour?


Watch his space... we plan to dig the Pit & the Mound in the arena at the Bunker very shortly exactly for this purpose, that was the first thing that we agreed to at the debrief after this years show...

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I asked this question thinking that I knew the answer but now not so sure.


The problem is that since I have been in the movement/hobby I found that I did not like static shows - may be that is because, at the time my frame of reference was just Dorset; where the politically stupidity ruins most events.


Now without a doudt, for me Clive and Neils Stevens events flicked a switch for me when I first attend one of their 'experiences' - Gathering of Eagles. I found that in no other situation is time travel so direct. When driving your mv in the 21st century you can at the push of a button go back 60+ years. The sounds, the smells and the techincal problems is exactly the same - that is pretty special to me. Then add that you are sharing your cab with a mate - Bodge and I drove arround Route to Victory and did nothing but yap all day. You can't buy that.



I also agree with Snapper with regards to Bolero. It was made even more special because of the company - Snap, Lee, Harry, Steve, Lynn, The Cubes and the icing on the cake was Mr & Mrs Joris again you can't buy that.


But the same can be said for static shows. W&P was only made for me because of the company I kept and I am sure that same would be the same for the Bunker Bash and MM - it was certainly the case for The Planes weekend last year.


If I had to pay to attend one of the Stevens brothers event then I wouldn't think twice.

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Though i take the Jeep to Beltring, for me the show is for socializing wit friends here and from other forums i visit as it is the one place we all gather.


The Plains is always a friendly meet with good off road runs, and like wise the Poole Park remembrance service.


In deepest Dorset / Hampshire we have a non public chill out weekend in the new forest, public are not turned away if they arrive at the gate but it is not advertised as a show.No matter how many attend it is always good just to talk with like minded peoples, try an activity and have a road run through the forest.


I do not own a uniform appropriate to my vehicle yet and would definitely be out of place in some of the in some of the shows/road runs mentioned here (or be stuck out of the way somewhere )


Thats it from me, i am sure there is a place for all types of show and i for one will attend as many as i can while i can.






Total agree with that sentiment Ashley. Lets do it while we can :-D


We have always tried to make any show we attend fit the bill for us - if it is a static show we will put out a display of equipment, including wepons related to the vehicle on show. we man this and have a great time talking to people about it. We have both been very privaliged to hear some of the stories from veterans that have been sparked by our display.


We also greatly enjoy the weekend at Buckfastliegh - this is held primarily for the participants - but again members of the public a most welcome to come and look around. There are several road runs held over the weekend which you can join in if you wish. there are also fantastic camps set up by the re-enactors and the back drop of the station all in 1940s trim is wonderful.


as Ashley stated above some shows are best for parking up your vehicle and spending time jawing with friends.


We enjoy the mix of event types.


must stop rambling -


To sum up I belive you will only get out what you put in.

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I firmly believe that both types of event have their merits and have enjoyed attending both in the past and hope to continue doing so in the future .


A while ago I was talking to a customer who is heavily involved in the organisation and running of some of the large and small vintage machinery rallies in our part of the world . We were discussing the sudden cancellation of a particular show and the likelihood of it ever returning and his conclusion was the advice to attend whatever events I ever intended going to see within the next couple of years as rising costs , the plethora of legislation proposed and even more tightening up of H&S would most likely lead to very many more public shows coming to an end .

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