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War Mini Series

abn deuce

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There was a series that while about WW2 was set not on the Battle field but on the Home front in London during the blitz titled "Danger UXB" with Anthony Andrews. a story about how the British Military dealt with the problem of unexploded bombs , lots shots of places , good shots of uniforms and a number of vehicles both military and civilian

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There was a series that while about WW2 was set not on the Battle field but on the Home front in London during the blitz titled "Danger UXB" with Anthony Andrews. a story about how the British Military dealt with the problem of unexploded bombs , lots shots of places , good shots of uniforms and a number of vehicles both military and civilian



Sorry ABN, but what is the question???? is it that it was or is it that :dunno: :-D



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That was a great series. I only remember it from my childhood though! ;-) Dont think its available on DVD,



Good news - it certainly is available on DVD - see:




width=500 height=500http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/512FQCAE89L._SS500_.jpg[/img]

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I m sorry if I dropped the ball , I was relating that the series existed , I had seen it in the seventies when it ran here on PBS Public Broadcast Service TV. . I had purchased it a year or two ago on DVD 4 disc set 10 hours 50 minutes.

And wondered if others had seen that series or had other mini series to chat about .

I can recall another that was set in northern Australia ? about a town occupied by the Japanese ? can't recall the series name .

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came across the real life example , how they did infact post warning of Unexploded bomb's during the Blitz


London Air Raids DANGER UNEXPLODED BOMB sign at cordoned-off area in front of St. Paul's Church where a 1-ton, 8-ft. long time bomb was embedded & removed by a crew of bomb removers. Location: London, United Kingdom Date taken: September 1941 Photographer: Hans Wild



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