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Building an Airstrip and Invasion scenes


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I've sent a link to friends in Normandy see if they can identifiy the place. I'd guess just post D-Day as the LST's are still coming onto the beach. I've an idea it may be on Gold Beach.


Y2 was the Squadron code for 442(RCAF) Squadron flying Spitfire MK IX. The squadron used several airfields along the south coast from mid May until the 15th of June, when it moved to Normandy at St. Croix-sur-Mer.

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Yes, there were two TAF feilds in the area. So I was right, for once, it is just inland from Goldbeach . Ver sur Mer. On one trip over there we had a vetran who had speciffically come to re vist the feild, as his comrades had been killed there. I'll send info on the friends in Ver see if we can get anymore info.

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I've seen that one before- Royal Engineers making the usual half arsed attempt - should have sent the RAF ACB in to do it properly :-D

Then we get to see the Servicing Commando unloading everything ready for the first aircraft to arrive. Including one of the DUKWs they just "found unattended". Admittedly it had a driver in it, but he was certainly unattended and besides the airfield needed supplies more than the men at the front did....


I agree it is most likely ALG B.3, between St Croix-sur-Mer, Crepon and Ver-sur-Mer. It became operational on the morning of D+3.

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Morning mate . long time no speak- dam PCS !! there are a handful of pictures on the IWM showing DUKWS being loaded/carrying RAF stores under RAF beach group supervision. When I put up the link to this film on another site I had a dual interest as my Dad was an RE. Is there a data book of ACB plant please ?


regards TED

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News from friends at the Ver Sur Mer Goldbeach musuem. Yes it is the VSM, they are approcahing Pathe for permission to use the film in the museum's exhibits, and send thanks for the heads up. Also Ike is known to have landed at the feild at some point. If anyone anywhere has info don't keep it to yourselves! :-D



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I think it is a towed grader. Iron wheeled, the rear is at the front of the trailer with big adjusting wheels on side of rear-mounted operator's platform. You can see the large cylindrical horizontal blade carrier in lower centre which can be angled horizontally. A bigger version of this maybe?


Edited by N.O.S.
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I originally posted a link to the film elsewhere a week or so ago and in that forum gave a guess it was a towed grader.

Each RE airfield construction group comprised a HQ plus 2 Road Construction Companies. Each R. C. Co had 2 motor graders and 2 towed graders on its AF G 1098.

My understanding is on the construction of an ALG : the RAF ACB made the runway including laying the surface, the RE did the dispersal areas, dumps, taxiway and roads, The R Sigs did wire comms on the site.

Seems the number in the equipment title is related to the blade size, so a Cat No 12 is a 12 ft blade ?


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Very interesting clip. I expected the farmer when he arrived with his pony and trap to demand compensation for the damage they had done to his field.


It was either having to sell or give his crops to the Germans occupiers or having it turned into an airstrip by the liberators - I'm sure he was happier seeing the Germans gone :D

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