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Oooh I've got one of them!

Bodge Deep

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So, you're sat watching telly, mug o' tea/coffee in hand

(sweet sherry if you're Jack)

& the TV suddenly shows you an MV like yours...


What TV programmes/films have you seen your mvs pop up in?

in (not necessarily your specific one but the type...

...but if your's has graced the silver screen .... do tell)


EG there's a WC51 in the movie of M*A*S*H


Loads of Jimmys (unsurprisingly) in Redball Express (1952)

& nice Clubmobile


& what about some PW stuff Stolly Militant etc

I watched an old episode of Lovejoy the other week with a lightweight in it


Not forgetting the series 1 Landie in 633 Sqn :roll:



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My Ferret appears in series 2 of the league of gentleman, can't remember if its episode 5 or 6. It is a Mk 2/3 but the previous owner used to lift the turret off and fit Mk 1 conversion for a change! so in the the series it is a Mk 1.

It also features on page 49 of Pat Wares book Ferret in British Army Service (VYJ 763).

It is now painted sand and green.

Apparently there is a photo of the Ferret in service, but I don't know which book, if anybody knows please let me know, the military reg is 00 DC 03.


Regards Chris



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Lately I've been buying war movies just to see if there's any mvs in them. So far I've ended up with some huge collections as a 50 movie pack war movie and a pack of 5 british movies. Since most of these are old movies there's a lot of real war hardware in them. I also have the MASH movie. Ther's a scene there with two Dodges travelling together. One wc series and one of the later types. That's the higlight for me!



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My Iltis was nearly in the recent film Children of Men, but the producers did something different at the end or found someone elses. The money was amazing. I even managed to arrange the time off. But.....Never mind, we made it into a recent edition of VW Driver magazine.

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I forgot that there's also the laughably awful remake of Bridge on the River Kwai (Robert Carlisle) My god what a stinker that is...

Hoot with derisive laughter as a Jap squad turn up near the end and their truck breaks down... A nice 50's M37 FFS!


Also look out for the camp being releived by the yanks at the end. All of whom are sporting rather lovely M42 Jumpsuits (spot the "we got these cheap from the BoB set so they'll do") :roll:

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Who owns the Russian kit that was in Diamond Geezer with David Jason?



The "Mudwolf" lol who made THAT name up? Is it what the Russians actually called it? I occasionally give a lift into work to a young Russian lad. It's quite bizarre trying to refer to a vehicle by its NATO designation when he knows it by an entirely different name.


Not my forte but I believe it was NATO-designated BRDM2. The attachments at the rear corners rang a bell and I have decided it must be a BRDM2-RKH NBC recce vehicle which ISTR laid a trail of little flags behind it (from those attachments) to indicate where it had been.


Load of rowlocks about it being well armoured. ISTR its armour was somewhere between a Landrover and a Ferret. It's a good job the RPG-7V actually hit the ground in front of the BRDM if you bothered to watch. In fact by pure coincidence it struck the ground exactly where the special effects team had set up a nice bit of pyro.


That said, it was in beautiful nick, probably better than it ever was whilst in use by 3 Shock Army.

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