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Fordson wot 6

T corbin

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Can't understand why they would just scrap them all, such a waste.


Because supply exceeded demand, not everyone wanted used 4WD lorries, and the metal was needed to make other things I would imagine? Wasn't one of the reasons that the Landrover ended up with aluminium body panels due the shortage of steel at that time?


Look at those rust-free bodies, though.....



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The date is likely to be late '50s, I would think (the number plates are obviously post-1949) - the article says, "Hundreds & hundreds of old British Army trucks, sad veterans of service in Europe more than ten years ago."


As for location, the 'Sea-fever girl' article mentions Portsmouth, while the main article about the trucks says they, "Can be inspected at ***nburg Docks" (the rest of the name is missing, sadly). No idea beyond that, but obviously they're next to a railway line, which should help narrow the location down a little.



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