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brighton speed trails petion


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About time Brighton corporation actually spent some money on the terraces on Madeira drive, sad state it is now, surprised it hadn't fallen down in the gales, some of it is fenced off because its unsafe, the rest is pretty derilect, they should be doing more to encourage visitors to the sad old place rather than deter them by banning the Speed trials, apparently other events held there are now being asked ridiculous high fees to use Madeira drive


Start a "Boycott Brighton" campaign!

Edited by Nick Johns
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Brighton Council have probably diverted most maintainance funding into promoting the Gay Pride Festivals!.....:-X


The speed trials have always been a good crowd puller. & that means money to the town!

I observed a dragster on the trials once with a Spitfire engine installed. BOY! Did it Motor!....


I think far more enthusiasts for the speed trials have attended over the years. Than the 'Other' festival has pulled in!

It would be a shame to see it finish. One can only ponder WHO is on the council making decisions on festival activities?....;)

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well hard work payed off the speed trials will be on 6 sep 2014


That's good news, :clap: I signed the petition but hadn't heard the trials were on this year. What is it with these councils they get something that is a huge success and brings in much needed revenue and visitors and they go out of their way to get it banned :banghead:

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