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Armoured car pic

Hair Bear

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It is one of those beautiful Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost armoured cars 1920 pattern. One 1913 chassis which was re-bodied as a saloon made it to Australia after WWI. It was eventually written off but the front axle remains and has been sent to New Zealand to assist in the restoration of a 1913 Silver Ghost.


How do I know that? Well I saved a front axle which was in use as a trailer axle quite a few years ago from being dumped in the tip. It took me a while to work out exactly what I had as the hubs had a conversion from wire to disc wheels about 1920.


Regards Rick

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  • 3 weeks later...
Nice picture


If it was the present day it would be on the front page of the Newspaper "Soldiers in Tank get Drunk and Drive it!!!! or some other made up story


Yeah know what you mean !!!..Slightly off topic but similar ..I recently saw an old home movie of a steam train running through the now long gone Wye Valley Railway .When it got to Kerne Bridge Station the engine crew and the fireman off the train were apparently running a bit ahead of time so, they parked her up in the siding and wandered over to the pub on the other side of the road for a couple of pints with the camerman following along behind...the commentary is great too

..very different days indeed...I wonder what a newspaper would make of an engine crew doing that now ?? :-D

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