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T16 T101331 restoration


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good question that is alastair ! what i want to do is give someone the chance pick up a good carrier at a decent price and be able to drop an engine in (a good engine comes with it) and be pretty much on the road this year, i'd also like them to have a bit of profit still in the thing when it's finished. so my problem is if i get it running and driving even though it still requires finishing touches then i'll have to see £25k for it but as it is i'd be happy for around just over half that. i also would like to help them get it finished and maybe take it for a spin at w&p if they are willing :cool2:



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  • 2 weeks later...

i bought a nos axle from groenwould trading in holland, i met the guys in the car park at malvern and when i collected the axle it looked decidedly secondhand but i wasn't bothered as long as it was serviceable, i stripped it today and found that it was actually new and was in amazing condition but had been stored outside which is why it looked a little scruffy, unfortunately because it had never been fitted the diff had never had any oil and there was light surface rust from condensation on the steering brake drums so it needed to be stripped completely which i have now done. tomorrow i'll put it all back together, the good news was the brakes were spotless and looked like they'd been rebuilt only yesterday and not 70 years ago.

9april13 227.jpg

Edited by eddy8men
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thanks ben, i'll have a crack at those wheels.


The steering on a t16 is the same as a universal carrier in so much as it uses brakes/skid steering for harsh turns but where as the universal uses track warping to enable large radius turns the t16 has cletrac steering which is a method of controling the diff by retarding one side which thru diff action increases the speed on the other side, it makes for a very good setup infact everyone i've spoken to that has driven both prefers the t16 setup, the downside is the heat generated by the friction of the brake bands on the drum could degrade the brakes efficiency, to overcome this there is an oil cooler in front of the drivers side of the radiator and a pump driven from a common shaft on the speedo drive to circulate the oil. it all makes for a nice simple setup.

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  • 3 weeks later...

it's funny how the small things slow you down, i thought i would be done and dusted a fortnight ago and yet it's still not ready for sale. i think the trouble is i keep moving the goalposts and just can't help myself when it comes to restoring it, by the time i'm done it will be driving around :-D


i bought the tracks a couple of years ago but have been using them under my churchill as a temporary tracked sled to move it around. now the time has come to put them back where they belong. getting them out from under 18 ton of churchill hull was not easy but they came out eventually and i was pleased with their condition although it took a lot of graft to free off, derust and paint them but it was worth all the effort.



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hi bill


funny you should mention the churchill as i arranged today to pick the turret up from the fella that sold me the churchill nearly 3 years ago, it's taken me this long to get round to collecting it. i hope he doesn't charge me storage :wow:


as for the t16 that is very nearly complete i'll get some more pics up this week.



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the tracks are ready to fit and have been painted with my special light care and preservation fluid or as some might know it, any old crap i could find in the shed. which was a tin of roofing bitumen, contaminated diesel and a bit of black gloss ! they came out really well.


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  • 1 month later...

hi tobin thanks for the offer of the 24 stud, I'm always interested in getting hold of another, although to be honest I had planned on selling the carrier with a project engine that will require rebuild but if you have a decent(ish) flathead that could be made to run without any serious work then that would make more sense. let me know what you want for it. cheers rick

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