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Sabre Sales - The END IS NIGH !!!!


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I fear the end is nigh !!!! I have it on good authority that the rummage emporium will cease to exist by the end of 2013.....in 2 years and 3 months.......basically Nick is retiring, hoping to sell the business on as a going concern but the rabbit-warren that is the current premises will be sold for non-militaria purposes.......in other words, the end of an era and quite probably the loss of one of the last great "old style" army surplus sources.......


So.....get along there whilst you still can !!! Take a torch, old clothes, a "wants" list and give yourself a good 6 hours without "'er indoors"...........!!!!! Time and time again, I have gone along there with lots of expectations but facing the reality that all the "finds" have long-gone, yet every single time I manage to find a small gem or two that makes the trip worthwhile....


I went along recently on a rare day off......what did I find...?


1. A first pattern NI-issue green nylon waterproof smock from the early 1970's....same as the later DPM "crisp-packet" but in green !!!! Newey press-fasteners, et-all....


2. A 1970's green nylon tank crew waterproof coverall in a size 6 in mint condition, Newey fasteners, etc...


3. A 1970's Royal navy issue nylon MK3 waterproof smock (the one with the peaked hood with buckle adjusters) but in green rather than the commonly-found blue......


4. A mint set of the 1970's DPM "crisp-packet" nylon waterproof smock and trousers.........


5. A 1968 pattern olive woolly pully in a size 2 with denim patches and no eppaulettes in great condition.....


6. An early 1st pattern DPM GS MK6 helmet cover with the horizontal cammo loops only....


7. A mint size 2 green KF shirt from the late 70s/early 80s......


8. A used (but good) pre-65 44 pattern small pack........


Plus lots more.....and no, NO PHOTOS at present, but if I can get some done before things are buried again then I will try my best.........!

Edited by wdbikemad
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I remember him well from my time at the Polytechnic from '82 to '84. There was another surplus shop in Victoria Rd that had some great kit from the lads as it was immediately post Falklands War then.


Perhaps his is the last 'proper' surplus shop. The centralised disposal and award of a contract for a specific period has meant that one company at a time gets to loot all the great stuff and sell it seperately and dump the tat on the modern shops.


That's 'progress' for you :-(


Mind you, I bet all the lovely kit you found there recently was in odd non-wearable sizes ! Strictly collector fare and not for use by anyone other than a midget.


Only the OG shirt, Dave....everything else is good sizes...in particular the tank crew coverall being an impressive size 6 !

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Back in 1989, we were across the road from Sabre, on Southsea Common for the MVT D-Day show. As we were awaiting embarkation to Normandy for the tour, someone said we should all get a special hat for the occasion (don't ask me who or why). I came out of Sabre's shop with a conical hat in light khaki, made from a sort of cord material. Transpired it was the centre part of an Indian army turban, so nothings surprises me what can be found there. ;)


Later put it on a militaria stall and sold it on!

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First time i ever visited the store, was purely just to go and have a look. And the first purchase was a very nice Barbour jacket, just liked it and it was pissing it down with rain so i thought hmmm what better excuse do i need to buy something. Tried it on, and found a holster and magazine loop sewn on the inside of the jacket. It wasnt to be my last purchase thats for sure:D

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First time i ever visited the store, was purely just to go and have a look. And the first purchase was a very nice Barbour jacket, just liked it and it was pissing it down with rain so i thought hmmm what better excuse do i need to buy something. Tried it on, and found a holster and magazine loop sewn on the inside of the jacket. It wasnt to be my last purchase thats for sure:D


The Barbour jacket was a favoured private purchase item for troops in Northern Ireland during the 1970's and early 1980's where it was found to be far more practical and tear-resistant when crawling through thorny hedgerows on the border than the issue green and DPM nylon "crisp packet" waterproofs.........several period photos show the Barbour in use by patrols......it is highly likely that a number of troops individually "modified" theirs, such as adding pockets, holsters, etc...


Barbour apparently made a DPM version of their waxed jacket no doubt intended for such unofficial use by troops, and it is a rare item today.....I have seen one or two on Ebay...

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Barbour apparently made a DPM version of their waxed jacket no doubt intended for such unofficial use by troops, and it is a rare item today.....I have seen one or two on Ebay...

I saw a load of DPM Barbour jackets in their factory outlet shop at Braintree about 5-6 years ago. They looked like very nice bits of kit, but even reduced they were still £125-ish each and I couldn't justify it. I haven't seen any since.

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Barbour did indeed make a jacket in DPM, I wore my one to destruction and it looked almost black in colour when it was on its last legs. A bloody good jacket, might go and buy another at some point. :-D


Not in their current catalouge. I belive issue was stopped due to flammability. I have to say most of my Barbour's are at least twenty years old, and haven't burst into flames, yet!:-D

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Not in their current catalouge. I belive issue was stopped due to flammability. I have to say most of my Barbour's are at least twenty years old, and haven't burst into flames, yet!:-D


It was never "issue" Tony !!! But could be obtained for numerous hard-earned beer tokens :(:(:(......


Barbour however, DID provide issue of some of their products to the MoD.....a prime example is the waxed cotton "International" motorcycle jacket and trousers in brown........I actually have a suit (that fits me !) in near new condition hanging up somewhere, complete with the NSN labels........they're no longer issued but were a fine garment made up in the traditional style of those garments....you can still occasionally find NOS examples at military shows, Fleabay, etc, but generally at inflated prices and micro-sizes.........mine lives outside the house...the stench it gives off after all these years is rather unappealing to " 'er indoors" for some strange reason........:red:

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