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I have booked the required days off work, my best friend is coming down to A&E along with my wife and our little 6 month old daughter and we would like to camp. What would you all recomend? Whare are the majority of us going to stay over night? I'd love to kip under a Sherman but I'm sure the little one wouldn't be so happy about it!

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I'd go along with that - or maybe a couple of folding alloy ex mil beds from Anchor or similar .


Not sure if Jack still has 9x9's available these days and you might find one a little small for three of you .

Guess a lot depends on the weather & how much time you have to spend 'indoors' .

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Worth there weight in gold! A couple of silk sleeping bag liners. Easier than cleaning teh whole bag, and if it's really warm great on there own. Sleeping under tanks, not advised. They may decide to settle during the night.

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Right, under a Tank is out.... it will have to be our trusty old tent.


I am subscribed to PF so my wife and I should get in free, ?question is how do we order the tickets in advance? I'll get my mate to book his ticket from the A&E website.

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i agree with regards to the tank , my dad lost a colleague during national service that way .


The answer......... sleep on top of the tank !!!! Seriously a 9x9 is great, you just need decent beds, even better sleeping bags, and you will be just fine. Have fun.:cool2:

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