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on ice would you bail out

phil munga

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I think the bloke should throw himself out of the window. It's a bit sickening that someone would wait and video a situation he may well have prevented. The "look look here we go" is just chilling. Especially as there may well be serious injurys.


Wonder what happened when they got around the corner.

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I think the bloke should throw himself out of the window. It's a bit sickening that someone would wait and video a situation he may well have prevented. The "look look here we go" is just chilling. Especially as there may well be serious injurys.


Wonder what happened when they got around the corner.


Always best to get the facts.



This is from the person that made the video.


Shocking driving condtions in Paignton on the busiest shopping day of the year. The car is barely moving but the hill makes stopping impossible and both people in the front of the car decide to jump out?????

The couple were warned by neighbours not to venture out that day and they were the only people to attempt to drive on that road. There were numerous pedestrians around who could barely walk on the black ice so a car really stood no chance.

Near the start of the video you can see a recovery truck. This had been stuck there, blocking the road for 3 hours and didn't move for another 2 hours after this incident.

The reason the video ends abruptly is because my wife and I raced downstairs to see if there were any injuries to the couple. Once I made it past the red cars in the right of the frame, it was clear that several people were seeing to the couple around where the car ended up.

Pretty obvious to see why many people are finding this so funny but believe me, not one person who witnessed this was laughing at the time. My wife and I felt physically sick, as did many others. Thankfully, the couple involved didn't suffer any serious injuries. More importantly, no pedestrians or children were hit by the abandoned car.

PLEASE, check your local roads before setting out on a journey. Listen to local radio, speak to neighbours and try to avoid being part of incidents like this.

Merry Xmas all!




Here's how the car ended up. Lucky.


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Thats ok then, he put the video camera down to see if they were alright.


I'm sure a lot of people have no idea how dangerous ice can be, as we very rarely see it as bad as it is at he moment.


It still seems a bit sick to wait and video something like that.

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Dunno about anyone else but i'd like to see the silly sod done for dangerous driving...

Just to abandon your car and let it run off on its own like that I think is criminally stupid

"it's not my responsability, look I'm not in it" is not a good enough excuse and they were sharpish enough to bail out which leads me to think they had probably decided thats what they'd do if it got out of hand


The worse case senario would probably be a bent wing or two if they'd attempted to control the car...

...or let your car run off down the road COMPLETELY out of control and potentially kill someone/people


Morons... the only shred of comfort being that they did both nearly die doing something so unutterably dim its funny... Darwin was right!

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Well really the person was warned, he shouldn`t of attemted tp drive with the road condititon {should be done for dangerous driving}


Stay with the vehicle at all times, there may have been an oppertunity to regain control no matter how slim


We had a similar problem here as i drove to work one Monday :yawn: morning, the roads were fairly clear but it began to drizzle with rain and though i was on a bus route i felt the car starting to back end slide, 4 wheel drive lessend that and on stopping saw that the drizzle had turned to sheet ice on the road etc,


Even with 4WD in 2nd low it was still an expirience to finish the journey to work.



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Alot safer to look at the hill first and not even try it. but bailing out not good if they had slid down the hill and go run over by there own car.

If that hapen to me stay in the car off the brakes and try giving quick pump of right pedel to try and strighten it up at least you may stand a chance of running down the kerb that way.

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