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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Nice picture's. Did you get a shot of the Matador, or do you know which Circus it belonged to?
  2. It was in Classic Military Vehicle Magazine Ray, below is a picture of the said vehicle taken at the Stafford Showground event last year. Scott
  3. Funny you should mention this as just this second there has been a piece on Midlands Today about the sonic boom that was made over the area yesterday. Apparently a helicopter set off an alarm by mistake that's why they were buzzing around. Scott
  4. Thanks for that Matt. Yes it seemed to be just sitting there with lots a plant machinery. Scott
  5. Cheers Steve. But we didn't get our Gipsy until 1999 so didn't start having a newsletter until then will have to take a peak at a spare one if you ever have one on you.
  6. That will be good if you could find that out Mark.
  7. Damn, there I was thinking it might be rare and worth something in the future :-D Scott
  8. My dad has been having a tidy in his office today and came across the attached which I thought would be of interest.
  9. I just hope that you have got your rain jacket at the ready Bob as they have forecast a horrible day weather wise tomorrow for the whole of the UK. Typical just as the show season is starting up again!
  10. Smithy


    It flew over my house last week when I was out in the garden, just heard a funny drone coming from over the other side of the house then the blimp appeared. Photo's from iPhone so not the best.
  11. Having looked through my files I haven't anymore pictures of this matador in question. Someone else might have some though I would have thought, with it being an attendee at shows. Scott
  12. Hi Henry, It seems that way. I'm going out this evening but will have a look through my files on Sunday. There might be one in the Matador thread: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?7083-Matador-Gallery But I will have a look on Sunday and see what I have got. Scott
  13. It certainly does thicken! It seems that the pictures in your orginal post and the ones which I posted up are not your Matador. I have known about your Matador for a number of years now, seeing it either first at the War & Peace Show or the Great Dorset Steam Fair. Below is a picture of it at the 2005 GDSF, one of the earliest ones I have of it. Scott
  14. Hi Henry, I would say that those pictures that you have attached are from a more recent sale than 1970 (although they could well be). I saw this lovely Matador about 8/9 years now at the Hollowell Steam Show when it was owned by Paul Rhodes. Below are a couple of pictures, one from 2003 (scanned copy of a normal picture) and one from 2004 (a digital shot). Hopefully they are of use to you. Scott
  15. I watched it at the time but just sat and watched it all again. An amazing raid and bravery of the highest order from all that took part.
  16. Out and about last night a WW2 British motorbike camepast me in the opposite direction in the Essington area of Staffordshire. Hardto tell what it was exactly but the gentleman who was riding it was in appropriatedress as well.
  17. Went to the National Coal Mining Museum today and not far away I spotted an RB44 in a yard at the top end of the A637 next to Grange Moor Coachworks I think it is. Don't know if anyone else has seen it before?
  18. It's on Channel Five again now for anyone that missed it.
  19. Ok thanks for that Paul. Still assessing my options at the moment as what I'm doing that weekend but thank you for going to the trouble of asking fellow committee members. I will be in touch if I require an entry form.
  20. Maybe our Austin Gipsy Fire Engine which is in my profile picture. But I don't want to be out of place and have you change your plans. I was just seeing what is on over the summer and noticed this event and I put it down as a maybe on my list.
  21. Ok thanks for the response Paul. Hopefully that number will grow even further in the coming months for you.
  22. Ok thanks. If you do that would be great as I like to keep track of Matador's that are still around. Scott
  23. Hi Paul, looks as if things are progressing nicely. Just wondering if you have got an idea of how many vehicles are looking like attending? Also, are commercial vehicles allowed to attend or any other classes for that matter? Scott
  24. Excellent, like others I'm really looking forward to seeing this thread develop. You don't happen to have the reg numbers of these do you by any chance? Scott
  25. Thought it was very interesting indeed and was good tosee a program covering this era in a little more detail. Certainly some hardy decisions taken at points during the mission and it showedArgentina that we weren't to be messed with. Look forward to a number of other program's of this kind in the coming months, with it being 30 years since the conflict.
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