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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Rally plaques aren't what they used to be, so apart from weighing them in, or giving them to the kids (telling them that they will be worth a fortune one day) have you found a good use for them? Here's one use I found earlier,
  2. Point taken, post edited. GE is very useful, I often use it. However as I know farmers who have had new telehandlers and such stolen from their enclosed yards and taken across fields to be loaded in hidden quiet lanes a mile or more away, it seems entirely possible that the crime was planned using satellite images, as the perps where unlikely to have been that local, and maps just don't show the detail. Rural machinery (and anything else left outside) theft has seen a huge rise in recent years, strangely coinciding with the coming of GE, it all just makes rural folk more nervous.
  3. Sorry to spoil your fun Rog, no offense taken, it's just that anyone Googling Scammell would have come upon led to this thread eventually.
  4. Please don't, as my Explorer can be seen on street view, thinking a bit deeper, I am not happy about this, I won't be joining in, undesirables use GE, mum's the word.....
  5. I may be wrong here but I think the counter staff click to confirm on their screen after seeing your exemption form is signed, so DVLA would know.
  6. Couldn't agree more..nice work chaps.
  7. All your fault then, not that anyone voted this lot in..
  8. See what you mean, two lines of defense if you register pre 60 and then they muck around with that as well.
  9. Same goes for bonnet length.........glad I've not got a DT!.. If they have no chassis number recorded, and you haven't written to them yet, I would be thinking not mentioning the disc ever again and starting afresh in order to get an age related number, pre 1960 rules! Why Locomotive?
  10. Quite so YG, these type of valves don't pass nearly enough air for my Explorer standard horns, ok for normal truck horns though....
  11. This type? http://www.topgear-sales.co.uk/product.asp?u=EDCCDCCDNLFCJKAJIIKLEDIDG&pnid=391
  12. What made you start filming? Your incompetence instinct was way better than theirs...
  13. Hadn't heard of that one before Richard, presume there was only one? Looks like it was coping pretty well, the trailer looks heavy and seems to have Ackerman steering as well. Want one!
  14. About half way though this interesting film: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=81669
  15. A couple to identify here: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=27278 And another pair http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=35516
  16. Got this on my screen, when I clicked a forum link, I ignored it, any ideas?
  17. Hey you! :argh: :angry I told you not to play with that thing on my golf course, that was all lovely green grass yesterday.. :box:
  18. Dammit, off topic already.... :idea: You mean this one was a joke?....:shocked:
  19. And a couple to say 'lightbulb, what's wrong with candles?'
  20. That really is a great looking and interesting lorry. As lathe manufacturers always stress the importance of solid mounting and precise setting up, I wonder how accurate that one would be mounted in that way, but I suppose any lathe in the middle of nowhere was better that none?
  21. Once you have learned to spell the name you are hooked, it's an affliction, no dodgey cures available....:coffee:
  22. Hi Mike, welcome, good you have saved some of the most desirable vehicles of all time bar none..........how many survive over there?
  23. Quite so, as I have more than doubled the torks available to wreck the drive train in Forceful, I have taken a lot of trouble to set the accelerator linkage in such a way that my foot is comfortable at half throttle, and at cruising speed this is perfect. This means it is quite uncomfortable to use full power for long, which helps to prevent me getting used to the power and abusing things too much. Remember that you will most likely be unladen and on smooth roads, and off road wheel spin will act as a safety valve. Tuned Rover V8, in Series one 86", 2A gbox life span never more than 5,000 miles, overnight rebuilds used to be done in my sleep!!
  24. Thanks Richard & Ted, that answers my question nicely, although me thinks 40 mph would be for full moon nights only in the black out!
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