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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. The aroma coming off a pair of socks can sometimes be too much for a well bred refined dog.
  2. Not a windup, but just out of interest, where you using FWD and do you think the use of chains on the rear only had anything to do with the breakage?
  3. Interesting vehicles and nice location too Chris, is it me or do the wheels on the Martian keep popping in and out?
  4. Depends how you define modern, if 1985 counts then yes I and many others have done so.
  5. Or even "Here are the Constructors....." being propper picky......:whistle:
  6. The WLF is very versatile, the only part of that job able to be done by an Explorer would be to damage the tackle box! :embarrassed:
  7. Had a chap named Geoff Cobby sitting in Forceful the other day, he used to drive 94 BD 11 in service, is it known to still exist?
  8. Last show we attended a steam ploughing engine was attempting to drag a dead artic with locked trailer brakes up a slope as a demo, something went wrong and the winch rope came flying off towards the the engine, the driver was a bit shaken I think, and seemed slow to respond, the shackle ended up jammed in the fairlead. Should have been filming that one, but it all looked a bit boring till then!
  9. Gobsmacked! The re-installed Firefox kept crashing on startup yesterday, so I re-installed it again and now it works fine again today! Even more baffled.. I found Chrome just will not work on some PCs, works fine on this one, fast too. While also not being any sort of expert, my first computer was an Amstad 6128 in the eighties, so I never give up! I thought I would pass on some simple fixes to try before paying out for a real 'expert' to take it to his shed and do exactly the same simple things. It may help someone, what have you got to loose? If anyone I know is dumping a PC because they say it is u/s, I often have a go at fixing them to pass on... yes, I know, but it keeps me amused on those dark winter nights. :nut: and I often have good results by simple and free means. The first thing I do is to open the case and thoughly clean out all the great piles of dust from all the fans and heat sinks, people never ever do this, it can be like a hoover bag in there after years on the carpet, and PCs hate heat. Sometimes the fans are jammed up with dust and not turning at all, especially the small ones. That will often get it just stable enough to run and to defragment the HDD, which also has most likely never been done. Then I run a system and registry cleaner, CCleaner will sometimes do a resonable job but Comodo System Cleaner is far more thorough, and leaves an easy undo button on the desktop, this stays there even after any restarts. Once the PC is stable I install this wonderful little gizmo, http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/xp_sysrestorepoint.htm'>http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/xp_sysrestorepoint.htm'>http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/xp_sysrestorepoint.htm it creates a one click system restore point creator from a shortcut on the desk top. Every time, before I change or install anything, I use it. I have it on a flash drive for easy install. Then I get it on line and instal Avast ainti virus, update it and run it. Often any files the previous owner thought they had lost can often be recovered for them. A few useful FREE gadgets here. http://www.piriform.com/defraggler http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner http://system-cleaner.comodo.com/download.html (Better and can run from a flash drive) http://download.cnet.com/Avast-Free-Antivirus/3000-2239_4-10019223.html?part=dl-85737&subj=dl&tag=button http://personalfirewall.comodo.com/free-download.html (works for me) http://www.piriform.com/recuva http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/xp_sysrestorepoint.htm (Restorepoint shortcut) I have used all of these many times with no problems, hope this is of some help to someone, read this first before you start: http://www.wikihow.com/Ground-Yourself-to-Avoid-Destroying-a-Computer-with-Electrostatic-Discharge
  10. Ocasionally do the DNS clear, firewall OK, it was the latest version. Did this a long time ago. Only HMVF so far Never been slow since doing the fix Lee suggested. Have used Firefox exclusively since it's early days, never had a virus, or problem, like it. Had a look on Mozzila forums, the latest update does seem to be very buggy, some longtime users not happy now. Thanks for the help chaps, Google chrome for a while for me on this PC, laptop still running FFox
  11. 5.3 meg Clive, about normal for me, done every thing I know, baffled and rather bored with it now..
  12. Just what I thought too, deleted cookies and even re installed browser earlier today still the same, it seemed to happen for no reason at all, I was wondering if I accidentally clicked summat without knowing that altered a setting somewhere.
  13. I have been getting this screen today, got me stumped, front page OK, all other web sites OK.
  14. Well I did have an inkling they weren't 88s, as the sticky out tube thing that the bullets go through looked all wrong to me.......:coffee:
  15. Can't help you there, not my area of expertise..as if I had one, I do know they're not Long Toms though.
  16. Great minds etc. rippo, was just about to post those very words myself....... http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19854-Scammell-recovery-at-W Just love this quote from kmbizal, Personally, I think the Scammel is a neat truck. Kinda homely, yet appealing. These are one well-built recovery truck.
  17. Was asked to take Forceful to a mixed custom, bike and classic show, live bands all this w/end etc. Thought about it until I noticed the words, Beer Tent (strictly no alcohol to be brought onto site) on the flyer....
  18. Good thinking Dave, one more thing though, they should have forearms like Popeye, for spud bashing, like wot yours where at the last one!
  19. Thanks for the link deadline, learn something every day on here, I understand now! Perhaps what I should have said was, in those far off days when determined efforts to destroy wartime jeeps in AWDC off road trials where still happening, TRS was not understood (by some of us who drove other makes) and seen as a restriction to axle travel, which we where always trying to improve! As other types of vehicles did break UJs due to front axle windup, and we could not see any other reason for the TRS, the conclusion we came to was that it was there to prevent this happening. Hate to do this on a Jeep thread, but leaf sprung LRs had different hieght springs to counter the lean to one side: http://www.expeditionlandrover.info/spring_rates.htm
  20. Your choice of wrecker may adversely affect the outcome of any recovery job.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]33745[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33746[/ATTACH] http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290470717559&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  21. Interesting thread re torque/ braking reaction of a driven front axle, and the purpose of the lower spring. At extreme axle movements, for instance one wheel in a ditch or vehicle high centered, and the springs are 'loose' it is possible for the front propshaft UJ to be damaged without some sort control arm. The driver will often try rocking the vehicle to and fro thus causing the axle to rotate quite violently causing the UJ to break unless some restriction is fitted.
  22. Should you feel the need for some jolly music, Jerry, a good friend of mine is playing fiddle with the band State of Undress and they'll be on the folk stage several times over the weekend. (www.stateofundress.com). myspace.com/stateofundress
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