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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Good find those diagrams, neat job. Although going by the hammer marks in the covers, each one made by hand, should have got Mark m to do them...:-D
  2. found this: http://ww2.whidbey.net/jameslux/woodgas.htm
  3. Agree with Neil it was impressive, done to show Americans that we where not slacking this side of the pond..
  4. Thanks jch, just trying to imagine how that would work..
  5. Did anyone spot this? Looks like he's filling it with coal, what's this is about? Surely not an on board coal gas generator?
  6. :thumbsup: Nice work Keith, like that a lot, welcome to the friendly forum..
  7. I liked the container intermission in the middle, gives your eyes a rest!
  8. second thoughts, the pump only supplies constant pressure as per common rail, so injector settings would seem to be the key to hp, more reading needed.
  9. It'll be the inter-cooler or pump, not the turbo, apparently if you had a Cummins rebuild they would adjust the output to your requirements...within reason:D. edit second thoughts, the pump only supplies constant pressure as per common rail, so injector settings would seem to be the key to hp, more reading needed.
  10. Not too sure how the figures are arrived at myself but some types of external damper models (called Fixed Time) have a water/air after-cooler hidden inside the intake manifold, identifiable by the water connections. Mine is the STC type which does not have this feature and no external inter-cooler was used in the donor truck, although the data plate says it is a 290. I am puzzled as to how it can produce this amount of power (if it does), I have seen 220 versions that look the just same as mine. Another type called CELECT has electronic control identified by a square box on the l/h side of the block and no coolant pipes to the manifold, presumably these use a separate inter-cooler. When looking at engines on the floor it would be easy to make the wrong choice, obviously a donor truck is best, I would think most inter-coolers would fit in place of an Explorer oil cooler which would become redundant any way, and for the rev counter which is type specific I believe. Then there are the internal damped types of which I know nothing.. Studying the manual for clues, this may take a while....
  11. Aww come on, good ole boys was jus havin fun! :nut:
  12. Looks like someone's got a fan! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300512236563&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  13. That's true, although Forceful had a very large snow plough fitted when in service with the Royal Aircraft Establishment, all they did was bodge a couple of chrome Butler lights onto the air-cleaner boxes.. I reckon the idea of fitting lights like those in that pic is to see over ridges and into deep holes when off road at night, they seem to be tipped down and this would make the beam pretty well match with the driver's eye line.
  14. Seems those mischievous REME lads have been modifying their Explorer.. There are a couple in preservation sporting this style of lamp arrangement, always assumed it was a civvy mod, but maybe not..
  15. Can't wait for this Tim, and I don't think there will be a shortage of camcorders this time!
  16. It's nothing to do with me Andy, it's that Forceful, he's just a big softy really, and has taken the cute little fella under his protection :kissoncheek:, but just let that Jeremy Clarkson try and get at him now...:box: :shake:
  17. Well you lucky blighter, I just hope it never gets warm enough to wear my present...
  18. Whatever you name your new thread start it with Diamond T, and then google it just to make sure it isn't in use already as it would confuse folk if you change it later. You could put a link go your more detailed spread sheet page at the bottom. Good luck with it.
  19. It's easy to get de-motivated on this sort of thing, folk need a lot of prompting, may I suggest you set out all the info you have already in an easily read way using word pad. Then start another thread named something simple that folk might search for, like 'Diamond T register', and cut and paste your list to there, it will then show up in Google searches via HMVF, and more people will see it easily. Every time you add to the list, or some one posts to the thread, it will bump up the thread again, and new members/visitors may see it and post new info. With a bit of luck Lee might make it a sticky. This worked with my index, although I didn't help myself setting it out the way I did (not easy to edit). I get a few PMs asking me to update new owners etc., although I haven't added to or bumped it for a while...http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?10943-Scammell-Explorer-Gallery-INDEX Always best to keep it simple as has been said earlier, it will get complicated all by itself!
  20. Your'e right Noel, it's not the same one, here's some pics, Scammells and a couple of others :-D
  21. One very desirable MV in my opinion, have a look here..http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?8240-Jungle-Bug Not too sure about those Battle Sleds further down the page though..:shake:
  22. Not too bad then..:shake: nothing to phase a young un..glad you made it back OK.
  23. :thumbsup: looks like Casper the friendly ghost on the front grill...
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