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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Photoscape is free and easy to use, and does what it says on the tin, use the editor function to resize and many other things. http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php
  2. Some interesting stuff hidden in this film, tanks at 1.15 also airfield scenes at 5.30. Something went wrong...
  3. Buy a large plastic bottle of baby powder from your favorite supermarket, makes things so much easier if you cover everything with it, inside tyre, flap and tube. A bit of towel works well for spreading it about. It may puff out when you inflate, so get the unscented to avoid funny looks... Some fitters like to inflate and then fully deflate the tyre, this lets tube and flap relax, so on final inflation any folds or tucks should disappear, makes sense to me..
  4. It has been removed to be restored by a local MV enthusiast, in good hands.
  5. Another chap I know has a few containers buried endways in a bank beneath a row of trees, wrapped in DPM and covered over with soil, no one seems to have noticed them yet.
  6. You know what it's like, you have been asked what you want for Christmas, but when you eagerly unwrap the thing but can hardly conceal your disappointment as it's not quite the right one, and now you can't buy a propper one for fear of retribution (your dinner's in the dog etc.). We need a definitive list that we could all use to avoid disappointment this year. How about this for starters, reasonably expensive and useful looking to satisfy the givers wish to please, but incorporating a neat frustration reliever that enables you to bash the bejaisus out of anything that is stubbornly resisting your will. Comes with the handy excuse "Well that's what it's made for dear" http://www.dm-tools.co.uk/product.php?sn=WER073232&site=emjul230710&kw=WER073232
  7. A chap well known in Scammell circles, who has a quite a few Scammells in a field, was told he was running a business without planning and had to clear them as change of use was never going to happen. A neighbour who was caught running an ilegal business had reported him out of spite. He explained that it was just his hobby, and after protracted but non-confrontational negotiation, he obtained a temporary change of use for his lifetime, after which it revertes to agricultural. Where there's a will there's a way.........
  8. See, how good did that sound feel in your head? :-D :-D
  9. L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 L10 Cccuuummiiiinnsssss Floyd could sound like this when he passes by ....................:drive:
  10. :bow: Jack, you're the consummate agony uncle!
  11. Interesting stuff Paul, those plough markings, do they look a bit like gentle terracing? We find walking the downs endlessly fascinating as there is so much ancient info clearly on show to think about, but most people seem to miss it all. We once saw six Kingfishers catching tiny crabs in one the tunnels at the tide mills, you don't see that every day! Great career move, hope it goes well for you.
  12. One point that should not to be overlooked, owing to the remote location of the proposed site for this shed, security considerations would seem to rule out most lightweight or temporary structures.
  13. It's all a bit of a mess really isn't it? What about van derived cars? My wife owns a Fiat Ducato maxi based camper van, converted from new by a major name in the trade, cost the first owner 40K +. Just had a look and guess what...body type = panel van! Bit of a time bomb to leave paying customers holding. I hadn't given it a thought till now, and of course drive it as if it is a car:argh:
  14. Please tell more, was this for artistic reasons or skulduggery?
  15. You'd probably be disappointed if you booked the Willys jeep though...
  16. Hi Richard, welcome to the forum, if you scroll down this page there are links to Martial threads. Agreed, the artillery tugs are an impressive looking truck, somewhat let down by being taken into service before they where fully sorted..
  17. The remarkable story of a daring World War II operation in which hundreds of people fleeing the Japanese advance through Burma were rescued by elephant is to be told in full for the first time. The expedition was organised by Gyles Mackrell, a British tea planter who shot amateur films during its course. Something went wrong... http://www.s-asian.cam.ac.uk/archome.html
  18. They think it's uncouth to swig from a bottle and your roof leaks?
  19. At least they won't just sit forgotten on a hard drive, and never be found again, like all those digital pix we take nowadays...
  20. Teapot Man was squatting in the back, since he moved on the lack of steam caused the canvas to shrink, something had to give.....(sorry folks, in joke)
  21. Great pix, you're teaching him with love and patience dad...:thumbsup:
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