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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Is that the 70s icon John Farrah Fawcett I see, or is it some bloke in a silly hat?
  2. Great stories Tim, thanks for posting them.
  3. Wouldn't it be better if we did this boarding party training exercise at sea........ and with boats?:captain:
  4. Freezing hard here, it isn't stopping the brickies building opposite though, started first light, dabbing down the engineering bricks straight off the pallet, :shocked: do they know summat I don't, or don't they care? :nut:
  5. Seems there is a way for you to see UK catchup TV, may take some dogged persistence though, have a look here.. http://www.ukproxyserver.co.uk/info/uk-tv-streaming/ http://www.dtvforum.info/index.php?showtopic=52767
  6. I'm using 12 plies on my Explorer, they have enough spare capacity for the way I use it and give a much better ride, best to check the load rating on the tyre side an work it out.
  7. Nice shiny staples here :-D I was given a small 1941 war office book called Notes On Recovery, I have never seen another one. Is this very rare? It's staples are too rusty to allow scanning which is a shame as it has some interesting bits in it.
  8. Good man Clive, :thumbsup: saves me scanning mine.
  9. Just won this on Ebay, nice bit of Scammell history, eight pages, a nice article on desert tank recovery and some good pics, surprised I was the only bidder, are they very common?
  10. Spielberg will spend many millions making a film of War Horse, but he won't be able to impress an old cynic me, unbelievably a few people and wooden props on stage did, and I had to be dragged kicking into the theater...:shake:..they managed a complete suspension of disbelief! thanks will look out for it.
  11. Fred Flintstone has been busy at his new car clamping job, the Munga owners said that he only popped into a shop for a second, clearly untrue!
  12. We went to see this show last night, it really is the most amazing show we've ever seen. http://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/warhorse You may need to refresh this page to get the trailer video to run.
  13. Thats my preferred option after last year, a slow down hill approach to an icy adverse cambered T junction, nearly caught me out with Forceful last year, somehow managed not to slide down into the trees opposite and got round OK. Managed to look nonchalant passengers never noticed.. :whistle: I just ain't worth it just for a bit of fun, bar-grips don't help either.. Did you see this? http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?16410-Methanol-antifreezer&highlight=methanol
  14. If you haven't sold your local garden centers a pile of looky likey garden gnomes yet you're missing a trick Jack, disappointed as I wanted to discuss your management fees custard cremes.. Great article and pix though, just right.
  15. Having used gmail since it started, in my experience their spam filters are excellent, virtually nothing gets through. Used to be with orange wannado, dismal service, now with O2, much higher speeds, free calls to UK call center, brilliant service.
  16. We'll look out for you at Belters then..:thumbsup:
  17. Looks great, looking forward to seeing it in the metal, any plans to go to local shows with it it?
  18. Think I saw some studded just like that on Ice Road Truckers, spread across both tyres, don't ask me what size or which episode though..
  19. Two foot of snow today............
  20. As teenagers we where a bit bored, so when we spotted a girl in a Mini pickup about to drive off, for a larf, us cocky grinning yoofs lifted up the back a bit so she would get wheelspin and not be able to pull away...........it's hard to look cool laying all over the road! :??? :red:
  21. In July I re-insured my Explorer with NFU mutual, fully comp, any driver over 25, show/rally cover, unspecified trailer, for £75.68, down from £86.00 last year due to 'mutual bonus saving' The any driver part is great, it spreads the Scammell-itis grin, :drive::-D :-D :-D Roadsure used to offer it but dropped it during a merger a few years ago.
  22. :tup:: At last I know where to 'be told off' derives from, it's puzzled me for years..
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