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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Just wondering how you worked out the position to fix it in, I made a jig using the sump bolt holes in the block then fitted it to the sump. Bet you had an easier way though..
  2. Have you fixed the pickup pipe to the sump or are you just going to push it in then fit the sump?
  3. I agree, nicely put..:thumbsup:
  4. Just putting that on my iphone so I can listen to it in the bath..double echo:captain:
  5. Local legend says that there is a Scammell Pioneer buried under a chalk fall at the southern end of the the Cuilfail tunnel in Lewes. The tunnel was built in 1980 and the area where the Pioneer is supposed to be was then the plant yard under the hill in an old quarry site, apparently it was not thought worth the effort to dig it out. How deep can metal detectors detect?
  6. I'll have a look for you, I will be using my best bits to build another box, but I have quite a few parts that will need cleaning up if you get desperate..ie rusty patches.
  7. Maybe not too exciting, but a master class non the less..very useful info thanks.
  8. That is just like the set I made up and have used for years, only mine fix on with a nut, kept the small original trumpet rear lights.
  9. You must be very pleased with that, they are my second favorite MV, so I'm going to enjoy this thread, thanks for sharing.
  10. Thats a b***er Chris, so easy to forget, my campers taps blew apart cos I forgot to open them when I drained down :-(
  11. Thought it might be Tony G's going by the front...
  12. Those pesky little things are soo hard to spot in a grass field ain't they, been there done that..
  13. Interesting rubber retainer mod to the coupling there, never seen that done before, looks like it would work too..
  14. Your pic may be too big, click the blue question mark in the upload manager window to see sizes allowed.
  15. Yep, works on most delivery vehicles....
  16. A major but often overlooked advantage of a trailer board is that if you are asked to remove it, you can throw it on the road, jump up and down on it and tell it in no uncertain terms what a so****ing useless waste of money time and effort it is! This hurts no one and provided you pick up all the pieces, should result in you being waved on your way by a merry smiling policeman, something you may not experience very often, if ever!
  17. What's wrong with keeping all your lights original and using a trailer board with as many LEDs / beacons as makes you feel safe fixed onto it, for when you feel vulnerable. When displaying or if plod doesn't like it just take it off... Or tow a trailer with better lights like I do..:angel:
  18. Sometimes long is good, shows that those jobs take time, no overdubbed heavy metal track is good too! Good shot of using the scotches chained to the jib just as cosrec described in the recovery thread.
  19. Good link Andy Seems all those people who are afraid of the Internet, but are being targeted by the government to get on line have a point don't they! The DVLA was criticised last year after revealing it made £6.3m from selling access to the names and addresses of motorists to private sector companies such as bailiffs, debt collection agencies and wheel clampers. An investigation also found convicted criminals and companies that didn't actually exist had been granted access to names and addresses from the vehicle register
  20. Sadly, but luckily for us, Lagos schools seem to be unable to reach their English spelling and grammar targets.....
  21. None of us would fall for this, would we? http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Nl1/Newsroom/DG_194193
  22. I rather like these quirky trucks, nice job you're doing there.
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