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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. That's a very desirable car, nicely restored, shouldn't be very hard to sell..:thumbsup:
  2. Looking for some Explorer steering ball joint rubber boots, any pointers as to where I could get some would be much appreciated..
  3. I secretly re-built a Sunbeam S7 in my parents attic when I was a young oik, I had to take it apart again though to get it out down the loft ladder.. You should be able to restore a bike in your bedroom OK, as to how to get it out again, there's plenty of guidance on 'You've been framed'...
  4. A couple of more stylish ones... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2226932/Classic-Bentley-fitted-27-litre-SPITFIRE-engine-goes-sale-500-000-Top-Gear-stars-wince-fuel-bills.html The builder of this one is local to me, to my mind he has caught that 30s look perfectly [video=youtube_share;6O1fSfANxbM]
  5. Thanks chaps, bit late replying due to chimney fire issues.. The vehicle has been SORNed since I bought it 03/04/2010 The last owner got a failure to relicense penalty notice, which as she is old and forgetful her friend got that put aside, explaining that it was now in my possession and in bits. I have SORNed it on line each year since but didn't notice I could opt for email, just kept a screen shot of page, which I can't now find...I have the date on my phone diary which kindly rings me each year to reminded me to check. I have not received this years reminder through the post. Vehicle Enquiry says Unlicensed, date of liability 03/04/10!!! As I have never received a penalty notice they must have it as SORNed on their system, I wonder if this is something to do with the recent budget, and DVLA have done their usual trick of loosing data then expecting us punters to prove they haven't! Not sure what to do next as if they kick up I have nothing to show them.
  6. When I do a vehicle check on vehicle I know is SORNed on the DVLA site, it shows it as Unlicensed, not SORN, is this OK does it always work like that?
  7. Blimey! each deck and is a different shape narrower at bottom?
  8. An arrangement plan for experimental type sails?
  9. Working on a mystery object and watching James May's man-lab at the same time...can my brain take any more.... :sweat:
  10. Are we correct in assuming the two images show the same objects in different positions?
  11. Then it is a fair bet the truck is a 'Pony Mécanique'...a French built Mechanical Horse.
  12. Can't remember this being posted here before.. http://www.britishpathe.com/video/tank-factory-1/query/lathe
  13. Scammell Scarab (Mechanical horse) I believe, with a trailer on the load bed.
  14. :yay: I was wondering who would pick up on that! That's the strange thing, it was just a normal wrapper, hard to imagine how it even reached her, maybe she had some goat genes in her....... [video=youtube_share;we9_CdNPuJg]
  15. Dangerous places those canteens, one lunchtime in a place I worked at in the 60s, some young oik threw a screwed up foil wrapper off a chocolate bar at a girl in the works canteen, from a couple of those long tables away it hit her on the temple, and unbelievably knocked her clean out! There was a bit of a flap until she woke up, but no one sued and foil wasn't banned from the premises..
  16. There was a lot of it about those days...... [video=youtube_share;f8W2SI4c93s]
  17. Oh no! not the flying bed stead mk2.. well done Lauren :clap:
  18. Or a flame throwing weed clearance thingy
  19. There appears to be a monitor in the driving compartment that suggests some sort of detection system that sweeps the ground, why it would need to do that behind as well beats me... Or maybe it sprays adjustable width lines on the ground, like for marking runways or clear paths..seems too high for that though
  20. looking at the bell crank / cables arrangement it seems to me that something might extend out from the ends of the four arms, are the frame tubes square or round section?
  21. I've got it, it's that little known amphibious failure, the Mechanical Frog..
  22. Are we looking down on an armoured vehicle?
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